Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

an american haunting

This was a movie about a witch– The Bell Witch. By all accounts, I think John Bell may have died of bordedom. What an awful movie. And, it wasn’t awful in a good way that you could laugh at, it was just terribly not interesting.

Two thumbs down.

it’s alive!

OK, it’s just live, but alive sounded better on this All Hallow’s Eve.

Brian’s design site went live tonight. Can you think of a better day?

Check it out at

trick or treat

I thought it was going to be the perfect evening for trick or treating. The weather was beautiful today–it was 60 degrees out at the start of trick or treat night. But, then the rain came. I think that might have put a damper on things. Turnout wasn’t bad, but it was definitely less than we normally get. Jake had a pretty good time because he went with the neighbor kids who moved into the house behind ours this past summer. Jake went as some sort of weird ninja this year. Unfortunately, I don’t have a picture to share.

Note to self: make up less bags of candy next year and buy some bags of chips or pretzels to hand out for the second half of the evening. At least if we’re stuck with a bunch of stuff, it won’t be candy.


I think this is my favorite weekend of the year. When else do you get an extra hour of sleep for free? My only concern is that I got extra sleep Friday night, and then extra sleep last night, and then, just for the hell of it, I took a catnap this afternoon. I may be up all night tonight, but at least I haven’t been tired all weekend.

It was a good weekend, too. We didn’t go anywhere or do anything, so I had plenty of time to do whatever I wanted to do around the house. I guess that’s not uncommon for us at this time of the year, but I still have the busy summer weekends on my mind, so I’m still enjoying our new winter lifestyle (if not the weather).

the texas chainsaw massacre (the original)

In honor of Halloween, we rented this movie last night. Again, I do not like horror movies. They do not scare me. Do they gross me out? Yes. Entertain me? No. Brian enjoyed it, though. As far as today’s horror movies go, this one was pretty tame–not a whole lot of blood and gore (the camera cut away for most of those scenes). It’s hard to believe it was banned in some countries when it was released. I have to assume it was one of the first “slasher” movies, so this could be the reason for the ban. Still it was one freaky movie and it sparked a conversation between Brian and I where we discussed all of the things we were afraid of as children. Our lists were very similar. It’s no wonder we’re married–no one else would have us.

One thing I noticed was that Rob Zombie borrowed heavily from the plot of this movie. Had I seen this first, I wouldn’t have been quite as impressed with his two films. I mean, there were some things he outright stole. But, I guess there isn’t much originality in the slasher genre, so that’s probably the reason. All slasher films seem to be a derivative of this one.

Trivia for the day: the movie was inspired by the story of Ed Gein, one of the more famous serial killers.