Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook


My manager at work hosted his second wine tasting party this evening. We were a little late for it because Jake had to march in the Veteran’s Day parade in downtown Johnstown. Hardly anyone from his cub scout pack showed up for it so I’m glad we didn’t skip it. The parade was probably twice as big as the Columbus Day parade he marched in. It was nice to see all of the people downtown even though it was raining.

Anyway, my parents took Jake out to eat at the Szechwan afterwards and Brian and I went to the wine tasting party. This has got to be my favorite type of party to attend. I don’t know why people aren’t hosting these things on a monthly basis. I guess we’re overdue to have one, but I’m holding out until Brian builds a bar for our family room (it made the “short list” today, by the way). As usual, when large amounts of wine are made available and consumed, we had a great time this evening. We had to cut out a little early because my parents had some things to do this evening, plus Brian scheduled band practice for 8pm. But, I made the most of my time and got to try a number of new wines. The winner of the evening was a Steele Zinfandel. I’m definitely going to have to try some more wines from that winery.

a history of violence

Last night we did that movie and a Margarita thing that we do so well. We also had chips and dip, which really hit the spot. I forgot to buy dip, so I had to make some. Luckily, I have a good dip recipe (and all of the ingredients on hand), so it was not a problem. Oh yeah, about the movie…This movie was cool. It had a pretty original plot, which I will not get into because I don’t want to give anything away. The best part about it was that they didn’t feel the need to quote the movie title in the movie. I hate when they do that. But, if you’re into drama with a twist of the Sopranos, you’ll probably like it. Or, if you like Viggo Mortensen (who doesn’t?), you’ll probably like it, too.


Yesterday, I took advantage of the nice weather and took the afternoon off work.

First on the agenda–running to Somerset with my mom and Jake to pick up our annual side of beef. This was the first side of beef we’ve bought since we got our upright freezer–that sure made my life easier.

Next, I planted garlic in my garden (finally–I seem to do that later and later each year). It sure was a beautiful day for gardening. I only wish I would’ve had more to do in the garden.

After that, I vacuumed the vehicles and installed some rubber floor mats in preparation for the winter. I was hoping to Armorall the interiors and clean the windows, but ran out of time. With any luck, I’ll catch another nice day next week and finish up. Brian’s outside right now trying to wash and wax before the rain comes. Ideally, I would finish up my end of the cleaning today, but we have a lot going on, so I don’t think I’ll have time. Here’s to hoping for another nice day this week–is it too much to ask for?


The weather is nice
It is warm for November
No complaints are heard


Rumsfeld quits.

Democrats take control of the house.

Democrats take control of the senate.

And, to top things off, I was pretty pleased to see how our local elections panned out. Maybe this democracy thing works after all.