Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

mixology: st. patrick’s day

I went to another mixology class at Penn Highlands. This one had a St. Patrick’s Day theme. Like the previous classes I took, it was a lot of fun, though not terribly illuminating. I’m taking a Cinco de Mayo one next month and I suspect that will be up my alley.

shopping and dinner

Jake and I made our bi-yearly pilgrimmage to T.J. Maxx last night. He got a lot of nice stuff, I got a few things I was looking for. We went to The Fifth for dinner after shopping. It was a fun night. After he moves, we’ll have to continue the trend whenever he’s in town for work.

the big bang theory

It took a while to watch this series…one DVD at a time. It was pretty funny. I’d describe it as an above-average sitcom and I do love sitcoms!

My rating: 3.5/5

the walking dead

I loved this show when it first came out. It was so good. I’m not sure why, but when they introduced Negan, my interest waned. I’m not the only one, so it must be something about that character. While I like the actor who portrayed him, I didn’t really like how he did the character. But, maybe that’s how the character was supposed to be.

Anyway, seasons 1, 2, 3 and maybe a little beyond that were so great. The rest of it was kind of the same story over and over. But, I stuck with it and watched the final episode last night. As far as final episodes go, it wasn’t that great. They set up the 3 spin-off series, which I can’t imagine that I will be watching. One’s with Michonne and Rick, another with Daryl, and another with Negan and Maggie. The Daryl one might have been interesting if Carol was still included, but the actress exited that project for some reason.

My rating: 5/5 for the first few seasons and 3/5 for the rest


It took three years, but Covid finally got me last week. I’m not positive where I contracted it because it’s not like I go out a bunch. However, I did go to an event last Sunday and someone else I know was there and is also sick, so that seems like an unlikely coincidence. I guess those are the chances you take.

All, in all, it hasn’t been too bad. I had a scratchy throat on Thursday, but tested negative. On Friday, I felt pretty sick and took another test and that one was positive. But, my symptoms have been improving since then and it’s mostly been a stuffy nose and sore throat, though I did notice yesterday that my sense of taste and smell is a bit muted. Hopefully that will come back soon. It could just be due to the stuffy nose, but I guess time will tell.

So far, Jake has been able to avoid it, though I did ruin his weekend plans of going to Virginia to see his girlfriend.

I’m working this week, but I’m not scheduled to go into the office until after my isolation period is up, though I will have to wear a mask. Yay. I would have called off sick on Friday, but I already had a vacation day scheduled. I wanted to get caught up on some things around the house. So much for that. I did get a couple things accomplished later in the day (after the Tylenol kicked in), but certainly not as much as planned. What bad timing!