Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

ready as i’ll ever be

I made my third and last batch of cookies this evening, so I guess I’m finally done prepping for the holidays. Bring on the holiday visitors! I did five batches of dog treats this year, too. Though I started baking in November, things still got down to the wire.

And, just in time for the holidays, I’ve gotten myself a cold. Jake has one, too. Nothing major, but still kind of annoying. I always seem to get one over Thanksgiving or Christmas.

Work has been a little crazy this week, so I’m looking forward to Christmas if only for the time off. My company added Christmas Eve to our list of paid holidays, so we get Monday and Tuesday off this year. And, I’m taking the rest of next week off, so I have a nice little break coming up.

black hawk down

We finished watching this movie last night–it was a two-nighter (anything longer than two hours generally becomes a multi night viewing for us). In one word, this movie was intense. It was about The Battle of Mogadishu. The movie was not character-based. There were so many characters in the film and you don’t really find out anything about any of them. But, it was a really good film nonetheless. The battle scenes were just crazy. For whatever reason, I tend to like war movies. I find them quite interesting.

Anyway, this is the second best movie I’ve seen this year (Walk the Line being the best).

approved by penelec

As I mentioned previously, Brian decorated the outside of the house with lights this year. I’ve been wanting to post a picture, but he was waiting for it to snow before taking one. However, that does not appear to be in the cards this year (I’m not complaining–it’s supposed to be 57 degrees today), so he took one last night. And, now I’ve posted. My job here is done.

christmas party

My work Christmas party was last night. It was held at the City View Bar & Grill. As far as work Christmas parties go, it was one of the better ones. In recent years, each attendee received two drink coupons and then had to pay for the rest of their drinks. This year, the planning committee set a number for the bar tab and once it reached that number, it turned into a cash bar. The tab lasted until 9:30, which is when we left, so that worked out pretty well. It would’ve lasted longer, but upon hearing that the bar had Cabo Wabo tequila, my coworkers went through three bottles of it (which was all the bar had in stock, by the way).

The food was pretty good. It was probably the best meal I’ve eaten there so far. I also won one of the prizes–a Misys camo bag that had a shirt and a desk clock in it. I gave the bag and clock to Jake–he thinks it is great that Misys gives us stuff like that.

Jake went to Brian’s parents house while we were at the party. We had to pick him up last night because he had a birthday party to go to at noon today so we didn’t want to have to rush around this morning picking him up. By 9:30 we were just about ready to go anyway so it all worked out.

talladega nights: the ballad of ricky bobby

We haven’t been watching a lot of movies during the week lately because we’ve been working our way through the Arrested Development DVDs (highly recommended. we caught most of the episodes on TV, but missed some because they were always changing the timeslot for the show. watching them all in a row is a real treat). We’re taking a couple week break from that before we watch the final season, so it was nice to watch a movie for a change last night.

Talladega Nights was a funny movie. It was not a hilarious movie. I did not cry from laughing even once while watching it (which is how I measure my comedies). We both enjoyed it, but that’s as far as it went. I don’t think I need to summarize the plot–if you haven’t heard about this movie by now, it’s probably because you don’t want to.

I did like it a lot more than the last Will Ferrell movie I saw, Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy. Of course, I didn’t like that movie so this one was bound to be better.

Time to watch another movie. I have a Blockbuster quota to fill before spring.