Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

the big lebowski

Brian wanted to watch this movie, so I added it to our Blockbuster queue. He really enjoyed it. I thought it was ok. It was pretty subtle for a comedy. I like my comedies to be a little more…sophomoric. Still, it definitely wasn’t a bad movie–just not my style.

I’ve really been enjoying watching these movies (and this is just the beginning–we have all winter ahead of us). There is nothing on television these days (except for Thursday) so it gives me an excuse to turn on the tube in the evenings. Not that I’m looking for an excuse, but it’s a nice way to relax at the end of the day.

the break up

It was a Friday movie-margarita-bean dip night.

Continuing the theme of this week’s movies…I thought this was a pretty good movie. I went into it knowing how it was going to turn out so I didn’t mind the ending. Apparently a lot of people didn’t like how it ended, but I like things that have a different plot than every other thing out there. Vince Vaughn’s character was a total oaf, and while he turned things around by the end, it was a case of too little, too late. Even Brian said, “that guy’s a jerk.” Of course, he has a special place in his heart for Jennifer Aniston as she’s one of his best friends.

light up night

Last night was light up night for downtown Johnstown. Activities started at 4:00, culminating in a parade at 6:00 and the “light up” after that. Due to having to do things like work and eat supper, we didn’t make it downtown until the very end of the parade. That was ok with me, though–all I wanted to see was Central Park all lit up. After the parade, everyone gathered in the park. Once Santa arrived, he flipped the switch and the park was lit in Christmas lights. It looked very nice. We’ll have to go earlier next year and try to enjoy some of the other activities they have to offer.

There was some guy downtown (I like to think of him as the Santa Nazi) screeching through a megaphone about “the lie of Santa”. We could barely hear him from where we were standing, but he went on. And on. And on about it. Free speech, and all, I guess.

the squid and the whale

We watched this movie last night. I have to say that I really liked it. I think Brian did, too. It was very engrossing and realistic. It told the story of a husband and wife that divorced and the effects that the separation and divorce had on them and their two sons. On one hand, I didn’t like how it ended. But, on the other hand, this wasn’t the sort of story you could just wrap up.

It was billed as a ‘dramedy’, so it wasn’t entirely depressing. None of the characters were likeable so that helped, too. It wasn’t so much the story that was good, but the way it was told. The acting was superb. It was definitely the best role I’ve seen Jeff Daniels in.

Highly recommended.

the end and the beginning

Brian quit his job today to become a full-time freeloader (er–I mean freelancer). His last day will be November 30. Imagine how liberating that must feel. Yeah, I can’t relate, either. I haven’t directly mentioned this before, but he has been working hard in the evenings and weekends over the course of the past year and now all of his hard work is paying off.

In addition to Brian’s freelance duties, he’ll also be handling the roles of Mr. Mom and Handyman Brian. We pretty much haven’t done any work on the house in the past year. That is about to change. I would really like to have all of our remodeling completed (for the most part) before I’m 40. This should help quite a bit .

Of course, I have an ulterior motive. I’m hoping beyond hope to be Prime Design Solutions‘ next employee.