Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook


We watched this one last night. It was David Lynch’s directorial debut. The movie was quite odd and there’s probably no one I can recommend it to, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy it. On the other hand, it isn’t going to go down in history as one of my favorite movies (nor one of my favorite David Lynch movies either).

It was a story of a man living in an industrial wasteland whose girlfriend becomes pregnant and gives birth to some sort of weird creature. That’s about all I can tell you–not because I don’t want to give anything away, but as is typical of David Lynch–I didn’t “get” the rest of the story.

christmas preps

Jake stayed at my parent’s last night. Since this was probably our last Jake-free opportunity before Christmas, we spent the evening wrapping gifts. Today, we got all of the decorations out of the attic and put up the tree and decorated the house after Jake got home. The house looks pretty good, but we definitely have some straightening up to do–there are boxes everywhere.

And, I finally finished making my Christmas cards last week. I started sending them out a few days ago. I’m too lazy to go to the post office, so I send out a bunch per day over the course of a week. They’ll all be mailed in the next few days.

Still left: baking.

a test

Winter has arrived. The weather sure was crappy on the drive home from work today. It took me nearly 30 minutes to get home (normally it takes 15-20 minutes, depending on the traffic). It was a good test for the Highlander, though. The roads weren’t totally horrible, but they weren’t good, either. My car performed admirably. I had zero issues. I wasn’t expecting to have any, but you never know. The guy in front of me was sliding all over the place. Times like these, I’m glad I have 4WD.