Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

garden time!

Yesterday was the first truly nice day, so I got outside after work for a little bit and started doing things. My main goal was to uncover the pond and clean up the leaves around it. That mission was accomplished. Hopefully, I can get the pump running this evening. The filter’s all hooked up, but it’s always an iffy proposition that things will work properly (that is, without any leaks). And I know I’m going to have to buy a new filter at some point–I just hope that point is not “now”.

I need to do some gardening, too. I direct seeded kale and swiss chard the other week, but we got a ton of rain not long after and so far, nothing has sprouted. If I don’t see something soon, I will try planting them indoors, but it’s getting kind of late for those. I have some other seeds that need to be planted, but there’s so much going on right now (I’m still getting my office back together after redoing the floors the other week and am also behind on housework due to that). Hopefully I can get to it in the next week. But I am excited about the prospect of some more nice weather. I’ve been cooped up in the house long enough!

killing eve

This show started off as an interesting spy thriller, but kind of fizzled out as the seasons went on. Villanelle was such a great character in the first season or two, but they even made her boring by the end. I can’t even remember the point of the series anymore. It doesn’t help that I’m in the middle of another spy show, Counterpart. I’m not going to make the mistake of watching two similar shows simultaneously again. The last season or two kind of floundered, plus it’s been over for a year and I didn’t realize the final season was available because Hulu didn’t tell me the episodes were available despite having the series in my queue.

My rating: 3/5


A couple years ago, I removed the carpet from my bedroom and refinished the pine floors that were underneath. I decided to do the same with Jake’s old bedroom (currently, my office). Unfortunately, the product I used on my bedroom–which I really liked–is no longer available, so I had to go with something different this time (something I had used on furniture in the past, but not on floors). I really liked how my bedroom turned out, so I hope this works just as well.

Having done this twice throughout the house already, all of this is a temporary measure. The pine floors never hold up to the pets’ nails. My bedroom has fared pretty well, but the finish is definitely scratched in spots. Much like the rest of the house, I expect to cover these two rooms in laminate flooring down the road, so I’m hoping this buys me a few years. But, with the exception of some throw rugs, at least all of the carpeting is gone! Carpeting is disgusting.


I’m getting my Swedish Death Cleaning done a little early. The decluttering phase of my life started back when I was still married and we were planning on building a house in the woods. We started getting rid of things so they wouldn’t have to be moved to a new place.

The divorce eliminated a lot of stuff from the house, as well, but somehow there’s still a lot to get rid of. I converted all of my music to digital a few years ago, yet I still had some CDs. Decluttr and eBay took care of that for me recently.

I got to thinking about all of the things that are stored in the attic. We have 4 dog crates in the house and only one is in occasional use (I’m looking at you, Tilly). Will I have more dogs down the road? You betcha, but I’m not really much of a crate person and who knows what size the dog will be anyway (I can always buy a new one), so I listed 3 of the crates on Facebook Marketplace yesterday and sold 2 already! And, as a bonus, I wasn’t murdered.

I got rid of some Easter decorations and will go through the Halloween and Christmas stuff when those holidays arrive. That takes care of half the attic. I’m going to start going through the other half. I can’t even remember what is in there, which means I probably don’t need it.


a man called ove

This was an enjoyable book and I’m looking forward to seeing the movie. It was about a widowed curmudgeon whose personality is transformed by an unintended friendship with a family who moves in next door to him. So, not my usual kind of novel, but it was good.

My rating: 3.5/5