Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

things that make me smile

Alice in “play mode”. It doesn’t happen very often. But each time it does, we just stand around and stare at her in amazement. She’s such a dignified creature, so to see her like that is really something.

Bob Loblaw’s Law Blog (courtesy of Arrested Development). Say it out loud and if you don’t think it’s funny, too, then you probably don’t know how to laugh.

fight club

The first rule of Fight Club is – you do not talk about Fight Club. The second rule of Fight Club is – you DO NOT talk about Fight Club. And so it goes.

This was one cool movie. It never piqued my interest, but Brian asked me to put it on the movie list, so I did. He used to listen to movies while working and caught this one once and liked it so much that he wanted to see it. I figured that I didn’t have anything to lose because the movie featured a shirtless Brad Pitt. But, the real star of the movie was Edward Norton. What a great actor. He also starred in one of my all-time favorite films, American History X.

Anyway, this was a really good film and it totally was not what I thought it was going to be. And, that’s a good thing.

the descent

This was one freaking scary movie. It had some disgusting parts, which I’m not a fan of, but it sure made us jumpy, which I like. The darned thing was scary before the monsters showed up in the last half hour of the film. It was pretty fun watching this movie with Brian because he didn’t know anything about the plot. He’s always complaining that I give too much away (I tend to read a bunch of reviews before I watch any movies), so I didn’t tell him anything about this movie. He had no idea that this was a horror flick in the true sense of the word. Boy, was he surprised.

pirates of the caribbean: dead man’s chest

Jacob and I watched this movie tonight while Brian was at band practice downstairs. It was entertaining enough, but kind of long, if you ask me. Do we really need 2 1/2 hours of swashbuckling? Probably not. Sure, it was a fun movie and Johnny Depp was terrific as always, but it seemed like there was less of him in this move than the first one. More Johnny Depp is always better, for the record.

The evening wasn’t a total wash–I continued to make headway on the annual update of my electronic recipe file while watching the movie. I only have a few more recipes to type. I was hoping to finish these up tonight, but I guess it’ll have to wait until next time.