Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

almost social

Jake stayed at my parents last night so I was hoping to go to the movies and use a “Great Cheap Date” gift certificate that’s been burning a hole in my pocket. For a change, there were some movies playing that we wanted to see. But, alas, my plans were foiled. Brian was invited to a happy hour for one of his former co-workers and that was the end of that. Given the turn of events, I had fully planned on going to the happy hour. But the allure of a nap on the couch with the dogs was too much for me to pass up, so I begged out at the last moment and Brian went alone.

We considered going to the movies later in the evening, but then decided against it. I like going there when we can eat a meal and 9PM is not the time for that. So, instead, Brian and I did some more work in the library. Do we know how to have fun or what?

winter returns

We’re supposed to get 6 inches of snow this weekend. Six. Inches. Of. Snow. This weather is seriously screwing up my gardening plans. I have plants all over the place. I can’t even put them in my brand-spankin’-new cold frames because it’s to friggin’ cold outside. Besides the plants I grew, today, Brian picked up a bunch of stuff I ordered from the county’s annual plant sale. For whatever reason, they moved the pickup week 1 week earlier this year. I bet that gets changed back next year. I know I can’t be the only person in this situation, but I still feel the need to complain about things I cannot control.


We started off the day with Jake figuring out that there’s no Easter bunny–something about rabbits not having opposable thumbs worked its way into his logic. He then commented about the fact that Santa does have opposable thumbs, thank goodness.

Next, we went to church. For an Easter service, it was pretty quick and painless (if you define quick and painless as 90 minutes). We even got there early enough that we didn’t have to sit in the front row.

Dinner was next on the agenda. We went to Brian’s parent’s for that. Brian’s dad had quite an impressive array of wines picked out for dinner. Unfortunately, we didn’t make it through all of them, but 4 bottles is probably enough wine to drink for dinner given the relatively few people that were drinking.

Right now I’m gearing up for HBO’s Easter present to me–the season opener of The Sopranos.

Happy Easter, everyone!

tonight, tonight

Brian’s mom’s 60th birthday was this week, so we all celebrated it tonight at Surf N Turf. Yum. I got my usual jumbo stuffed shrimp. And, as always, they were delicious.

After the party, the three of us were supposed to go to a Chiefs game–Jake won 3 tickets for tonight’s game at his Cub Scout banquet the other month. But, he decided he’d rather go to Brian’s parent’s and play with his cousins (all three of them were spending the night tonight). So, he went to that, and Brian and I went to the game. We got there for the second period and the Chiefs were losing 4-1 by the end of the period. We didn’t think they had much of a chance to win and since we had a bunch of stuff to do, we decided to skip the 3rd period and head home. The Chiefs ended up losing 4-3, so we almost missed a good game.


Jake has a new website! It contains pictures that he has taken and some of his artwork along with his comments (hint: click on the “i”). Check it out.