Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

don’t go

This was a different kind of book from Lisa Scottoline. She stepped away from her usual legal thrillers (though one of the main characters was a lawyer, so she didn’t step too far away). I knew it was going to be sappy when one of the quotes compared her to Nicholas Sparks. Anyway, this was a convoluted tale of murder, war, child custody, and adultery. There was a lot going on.

My rating: 3/5

alice cooper

And to think I almost didn’t go to this show! For one thing, my neck is still giving me trouble, but it seems a bit better today. I definitely had an easier time driving and I was able to sit through the whole show tonight without much discomfort. And, the Flood City Music Festival was this weekend, so did I really need to go see more music today? Yes! It was so much fun. I mean, there wasn’t anything groundbreaking–Alice Cooper has been doing the same show for like 50 years, but it was super entertaining. And, I loved the fact that there were three guitarists. It was a wall of sound. Overall the musicianship was excellent and Alice Cooper sounded great as well. It’s hard to believe he’s 75 years old and still tours like he does.

This is the 3rd time I’ve seen Alice Cooper live, which is kind of crazy (the first time was when I was on vacation in New Orleans in 1998, and the second was in Johnstown in 2010). Type O has the record at 6. Thanks to OzzFest, there are a bunch of bands I’ve seen more than twice, but I couldn’t tell you who for sure. Probably Rob Zombie and Godsmack; likely one or two others. I’ve seen Tool three times, too (once on OzzFest). So, Alice Cooper now holds a special spot in my concert history.

FCMF 2023

Thanks to my neck, which is still bothering me (it hurts to sit or stand in one position for very long), I didn’t get to spend as much time at the festival as I would have liked. Luckily for me, there weren’t a whole lot of bands that piqued my interest this year, but I’m sure I would have enjoyed some of the ones I didn’t get to see because that’s how that always goes.

Gabe Stillman, a blues artist, was my “must see” artist of the weekend. I went to see him Friday night and he was worth the pain! The only other full set I caught was Jeff Webb and the Delectable Sound. They are a local band full of some of the area’s most talented musicians.

I did catch partial sets of a bunch of others. One band that I didn’t think I’d like, Trouble No More, was quite excellent.

Better luck next year!

sharp objects

I was pretty excited to hear that HBO did a limited series on this book, which I read (and really enjoyed) recently. But apparently I read it before and didn’t enjoy it as much. Ha.

The series was very true to the story, which was a plus. What a bunch of psychos, though.

My rating: 4/5


About three weeks ago, I woke up with a pinched nerve in my neck. I’ve had these before, so I wasn’t really concerned about it, as uncomfortable as they are. However, this one would not let up and kept getting worse and worse (I have a numb streak running down the nerve from my neck to my thumb, not to mention neck pain, and occasional nerve pain along the entire trail of the nerve). It reached critical mass over the weekend, so I went to MedWELL to get checked out. They x-rayed my neck, which only showed age-related changes and I was put on a course of prednisone, which seems to be working, but not quickly enough. It’s still pretty uncomfortable, but things are improving.

And to add insult to injury, I ordered a cervical pillow from Amazon, which was supposed to be delivered yesterday but the mail carrier (a substitute mail carrier, I might add) forgot to leave the package when he delivered the mail. It better come today! I’ve gone through every pillow in the house and the only one that’s a little comfortable to use is an old squishy pillow I found in the closet.

I am so far behind on things at the house because I haven’t really been able to do much the last week or so. But, more importantly, I hope I’m feeling better by Friday because I don’t want to miss the Flood City Music Festival or the Alice Cooper show on Sunday. Fingers crossed!