Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook


I didn’t do much for Halloween. I put a few decorations out (and took the rest to Goodwill). I didn’t even carve a pumpkin this year, but I did make some wine bottle pumpkins, which were fun to make. I’m not sure how those are going to hold up in the heat of the attic (due to the spray paint on glass), but I guess I can always make more.

I was prepared for 52 trick or treaters this year, but only got 28. And the weather wasn’t even bad (chilly, but not bad). It’s really difficult to guesstimate how many will show up each year.

In Christmas news, I already received my photo Christmas cards (thanks to taking the photo on vacation this summer instead of waiting until the last minute) and have all of them addressed and ready to go! I also did a good chunk of my shopping and I’m hoping to wrap that up soon.


the weekend

The past two weekends the guy I’ve been dating has come over for dinner on Sunday. I guess we’ve moved into the “not going out” phase of dating (haha), which is fine with me because all the running around was getting expensive. I’m sure we’ll go out again soon, but there’s not a lot to do on Sundays if we’re hanging out in Johnstown, so here we are.

In other weekend news, I planted garlic on Friday and bagged most of the leaves from the back yard and added them to the garden and compost bin. There are still leaves all over the porch, but I wasn’t able to get to them due to the rain. Also, the leaves in the front aren’t done falling yet so those will need to be addressed. Hopefully, I’ll catch a break with the weather. It sure was beautiful last week, but I suppose we won’t see those temps again for a while.

I also completed The Fall of the House of Usher on Netflix. It was excellent. I love how they made it a modern story and used elements of various Poe stories in the the episodes. My rating 4/5.


john cleese

Another week, another trip to Greensburg. I must say, they really have it going on there. Last night, there was a night market going on. Traffic was a bit of a nightmare as a bunch of streets were closed and the parking lot I always park in was full (also inaccessible due to the traffic). So, we turned around and went to the parking garage across the street from the theatre, which happened to be reserved for The Palace that night. I’m not sure if it’s always reserved for them or if it was just because the night market was going on. I think we might have squeezed into the last spot (thank goodness for my tiny car) and we were on our way. Luckily, I was aware of the night market before the show, so we arrived with plenty of time to park. I was a little concered we weren’t going to be able to get out of the lot because we were trapped in a corner, but some people let us out, which was nice. Best of all, parking was free! Way to go, Greensburg!

Anyway, my dad was always a big Monty Python fan so my parents wanted to go to this show and they invited me along. I’m not much for Monty Python (or other British humor, for that matter), but John Cleese turned out to be pretty funny. I wasn’t sure what to expect. His daughter, Camilla Cleese, opened the show with some stand-up and then he did his thing for a while. The Monty Python skits they showed between jokes were decidedly less funny, but that’s just me. Then there was a pretty long intermission and they both came out and read/answered questions that were submitted by the audience.


This was another movie playing at the State Theater’s Halloween Spooktacular. I’ve read the book and seen the movie so many times, there’s not much left to be said.

On one hand, I kind of wished that I had not scheduled those movies because I’ve had so much going on this month, but who knew I was going to be dating someone? On the other hand, I did enjoy watching them. So, I guess I’ll have to buckle up the next couple days and get caught up around the house.

andy summers

For this week’s date, we went to see Andy Summers, former guitarist for The Police, at the Palace Theatre in Greensburg. I wasn’t sure how the concert was going to be as I looked him up online and it was just him up there noodling on the guitar while photos he’s taken through the years display on the screen behind him, but it was actually pretty good. But the best part about the night was the humorous stories he told about being on tour with The Police. I could have listened to those all night. Prior to the show, we stopped at Oliver’s Pourhouse for drinks. Our waitress from last week remembered us and even what we drank! I guess we’ll have to go there again.