Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

i is for innocent

I believe this book was in the pile I already read before, but since I’m reading all of them in order, it was up next for the alphabet series. It was pre-blog, so I didn’t remember it anyway. It was a good story, but one problem I have with Sue Grafton novels is keeping track of all the characters. Since the main character is a private investigator, she talks to a lot of people in the course of an investigation. So, I guess I should pay closer attention. Anyway, this was as good as the rest and had a nice twist at the end (but don’t they all?).

My rating: 3.5/5

moving on

I tried another comedy this weekend. It was only slightly better than last weekend’s movie. I kind of felt like I was watching a Grace & Frankie movie, since it starred the same two actors and their characters were similar to the ones they played on the series. Anyway, the premise of the movie is that the one character decided to exact revenge on her (now deceased) friend’s husband because he raped her decades ago. How is this a comedy? That was kind of the problem. To be sure, it had some funny dialog, but you had to pay attention in order to catch it.

My rating: 2.5/5

ahead of the game

I’m supposed to be on my way to a show in Pittsburgh right now, but since my relationship status changed, I am not. So, despite being tired of looking at my computer, I did the rest of my Christmas shopping this evening (except for 2 gifts that will be directly shipped to the recipients, which I will order in early December). I guess all that’s left is to decorate, but I definitely won’t be doing that for a while. And, I’ll probably make some cookies, too.

less busy

I will be less busy moving forward. It seems that the guy I was seeing and I had different opinions on the amount of time we should be spending together (me=less, him=more). Due to the distance, it would have been difficult for both of us to be happy about things. Given this, and a few other reasons, I decided to cut ties with him this week. So, that is disappointing.

busy weekend

It was a rather busy weekend! I could use a break from the action.

Friday night, the guy I’m seeing came over to hang out after work.

Saturday afternoon, the nonprofit I’m involved with hosted an Animal Photos with Santa Fundraiser, so I had to go to that to help out. After that I ran home to let the dogs out and then went to Portage for my niece’s 17th birthday party. That night, I watched No Hard Feelings, which I thought was going to be hilarious but it was not. My rating: 2.5/5

The guy I’m dating is in a band and they played an event on Sunday at noon, so I went to Penn Hills to see that. His band was really good! By the time I got home from that, it was close to dark thanks to turning the stupid clocks back, so I got to rake leaves for about 45 minutes. I got the back yard wrapped up (I mostly got it done last weekend) and half of the front, but they’re not done falling in the front yet, so this will be an ongoing process until it snows, though with it getting dark so early, that will be challenging.