I had a couple vacation days left, so I took off today and am taking off next Friday. I hit it lucky with today’s weather, so I took the dogs to Sandyvale this afternoon for an extended walk. They seemed to enjoy it and have been sleeping ever since we got home!
the listener
The story was about two siblings who were kidnapped for ransom and the telepathic connection between the daughter and a young man who tries to save the kids. It took place in the 1930s. Definitely not McCammon’s best, but it was still a compelling read.
My rating: 3.5/5
somewhere in queens
This was a decent flick that followed an Italian-American family from Queens. It was written and directed by Ray Romano, and it’s a topic he knows well.
My rating: 3.5/5
thanksgiving 2023
Another Thanksgiving has come and gone. As usual, dinner was held at my house. The typical people were in attendance and the typical foods were devoured. The best thing about Thanksgiving this year was that Jake and Amelia were in all week. I haven’t seen them since I visted a few months ago, so it was nice to see them again. It will be even nicer over Christmas as they’re supposed to be in for a month!
This was definitely not my favorite Stephen King adaptation, but it wasn’t bad. I couldn’t remember the details of the story it was based on, though I do remember liking it when I read it years ago. But, what was with the main character’s accent? I read that he was trying to replicate the accent from that time/location. However, no one else in the film talked like that, so what’s up with that?
My rating: 3/5