Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

old dads

This comedy was written and directed by Bill Burr. It was about, well, old dads. Something he knows a little about. This was not a hilarious comedy by any means, but definitely more amusing than anything I’ve seen in recent months. If you like Bill Burr and you’re a Gen Xer, you’ll probably like it.

My rating: 3/5

ralphie and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day

Ralphie doesn’t allow me to trim his nails so I take him to the vet about once a year for a sedated trim. The last time we went (a little over a year ago), he wouldn’t let me put a muzzle on him, so I ended up having to hire a dog trainer to teach me how to get him to wear a muzzle. That went well, but he will always remove it after a period of time, so I have more work to do.

Yesterday, he had another sedated trim scheduled, as well as a checkup, and vaccinations. I didn’t have any problems getting the muzzle on him, but when the vet and vet tech came into the room, he knew what was up so he ripped it off. I was expecting this and tried to hold it in place, but he won that battle, multiple times. Did I mention that he weighs 85 pounds? He’s a big boy and can do whatever he wants. After a couple of rounds of this, we did the same thing as last time–I started walking through a door with him, they closed it on him midway through, and gave him the shot while he was stuck.

Thanks to his adrenaline, it took him about 30 minutes to fall asleep. For safety reasons, I remuzzled him and the vet did an exam and gave him his shots. Then a tech came in to do his nails and started with the back. Ralphie kept pulling his foot away, so he got another tech to help and was going to do the front when Ralphie stood up because he wasn’t having any of that. They left the room in order to give him a chance to fall back asleep. Once he did, I grabbed the nail clippers and did them myself. I felt like their presence was causing him to wake up. In either case, mission accomplished.

He received yet another shot (I think that was number 4) to reverse the sedative and woke up pretty quickly, so we went home where he proceeded to sleep until this morning (only getting up to eat supper and have a 10:00 snack). He still seems pretty sleepy today. I’m sure he’s sore as well, from all the shots. Poor dog. I don’t know why he’s like this, but it definitely makes going to the vets unpleasant for everyone involved.


This show finally came to an end. The final six episodes were released last week and I watched them in short order. Sometimes this show was incredibly funny, other times it was incredibly stupid. But, it was fun to watch and I loved all of the quotable dialog. And I couldn’t get enough of the Dycks. They were perhaps the most hysterical part of the show.

My rating: 3.5/5

a haunting in venice

This was a tidy whodunit based on an Agatha Christie novel, so no wonder it was good. I was surprised to see Tina Fey cast in a dramatic role, though she did provide some comic relief once or twice. For a non-horror movie, there sure were a lot of jump scares.

My rating: 3.5/5

2023: the year in review

This year had a lot of changes. In sad news, my grandmother passed away in April. And, Jake moved out. I’m still getting adjusted to that. Well, not at the moment, as he’s been in for Christmas, but generally speaking.

There were a couple notable business-type milestones this year, too. Prime Design Solutions and Innovative Tomato merged into Innovative Tomato. So, now I have half as much paperwork to do! The past couple months have been pretty busy for me due to the merger, but almost everything is complete at this point, so things should be letting up soon. In nonprofit news, a number of us (seven, in fact) who used to be on the shelter board started a new nonprofit, Seven Hearts Project. So far, we’ve sponsored a couple spay/neuter clinics, but we’ll be expanding services in the future.

It was a pretty good year for music, not only did Foo Fighters and Mammoth WVH release new albums, I also got to see Mammoth WVH in Johnstown. What are the chances?!? There were also a bunch of minor shows in town that I attended and enjoyed. The only other big music act I saw was Alice Cooper. I only got to see one stand-up show, John Cleese.

I didn’t do too much else this summer. I was sidelined for about a month with a pinched nerve in my neck. In other health news, I finally got COVID earlier in the year. I did manage to get to Buttermilk Falls and The Golden Gathering, but that was about it. And, in travel news, we took our yearly cabin trip before Jake moved and I went to visit Jake and Amelia in the fall.


  • book: Fairy Tale
  • series: The Leftovers
  • albums: Mammoth WVH Mammoth II and Foo Fighters But Here We Are
  • movie: I watched a bunch of movies, but had no favorites

There were no major updates made to the house, but I continue to paint everything. I just did my bedroom the other day. I painted it a dark color, which is really cozy. And I painted the living room earlier in the year. I did a couple other minor projects inside and out.

It’s almost not worth mentioning, but I dated someone briefly in the fall. It seemed pretty promising at first, but things didn’t work out, which was disappointing. I shut down my dating profile right before the holidays. I will probably start it up again next month, but we’ll see. I found a new, shorter, hairstyle I’d like to try and if it looks terrible, then I guess I’ll have to grow my hair back out before attempting to date again. Haha.

I’m not sure why, but I feel pretty positive about 2024. But, I’ve said that before, so take it with a grain of salt.