Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook


It was a beautiful weekend so we took a spin on the bikes on Sunday afternoon. What a great day for a ride. Unfortunately, that may very well have been our last ride of the year and we didn’t do much riding to begin with this year.

Besides the either too hot or too wet weather, we lost a month to buying our rental property (I’m not complaining, I’m just saying).

At any rate, winter is officially on its way.

the rite

This movie was more suspense than horror, which is fine with me (because today’s horror movies are usually a gorefest, of which I’m not a particular fan). This movie was ok–a decent movie for the month of Halloween. It was PG-13 so we let Jake watch it. I think he had his blanket over his head for half of it, but it really wasn’t that scary. While the movie was about exorcisms, it was nothing like “The Exorcist” so you’ll want to make sure you don’t have that mindset going into this movie or you’re not going to enjoy it at all.


I’m trying a new exercise routine called the P90. It’s a routine developed by the same guy who did P90X, which is popular right now. I have no desire to be in P90X shape, so I’m doing the P90, which is easier (for the record, Brian’s been doing P90X off and on).

Anyway, I’ve completed my first week and don’t mind the routine. It’s just difficult trying to fit it in as it’s 6 days a week for 90 days. My ultimate goal is to get into some sort of shape doing this and then go back to my usual routine of weights and treadmill. I always lapse in exercising over the summer (why exercise when you can be outside gardening?) so I’m using this to kick-start my way back into shape.


I thought this would be a fun movie to kick off the month of Halloween with. Jake liked it, but I just don’t think some old movies hold up over time, this being one of them. It was definitely dated. Still, it was pretty mild for a “horror” flick, so it was good for Jake. He’s going to totally freak out when we watch “The Rite” next weekend.

kick buttowski

Today was quite productive. Not only was it laundry day, wherein I did six loads of laundry (and put away the two loads I did last night), I also took some time to clean out my email inbox and get caught up on some accounting-type things for Everyone Drinks.

I also vacuumed the house and did some shopping online (both general and Christmas). I managed to put a good dent in my Christmas shopping list, but I still have many more things to buy. Everyone is so hard to buy for anymore–it’s tough coming up with something interesting year after year.

I also cooked three meals today (while I cook every day, I rarely make more than two meals in one day). Jake had a friend over last night, so I made waffles for breakfast (from scratch, of course, otherwise it wouldn’t count as cooking). Next up was lunch. I have a bunch of winter squash from the CSA. I’m not a big fan of winter squash so I’ve been looking for interesting ways to prepare them. I found this squash soup recipe and it looked pretty good, so I made it for lunch (minus the cheese croutons. I wish I would’ve made those, but, alas, I had no bread on hand). Anyway, for soup made out of squash, it was pretty good. I’ll definitely be making that again some day. For supper, Jake and I whipped up some Rigatoni with Spicy Italian Salami, Oven-Roasted Tomatoes, Olives and Capers. Delicious! I think we made a new record today for how many times a dishwasher can be run in a single day.

Today, I was motivated by the fact that I need to do some Prime Design Solutions work tomorrow. I wanted to clear my schedule so that I didn’t have a bunch of things hanging over my head. Mission accomplished. I even managed to sneak in a nap, so not all was lost.

Oh, and I started this morning with a new exercise program. More on that in a later post.