Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

paranormal activity 2

Much like the first movie in this series, I didn’t think I was going to like this one, but I did. Unlike Poltergeist, which we watched a few weeks ago, this one was actually kind of creepy. Poltergeist was just too over the top to be believable, but this movie, you could actually see happening–not really because I don’t believe in this crap, but on the other hand…

I liked how they tied the two movies together–that was pretty clever. I’ll definitely be seeing Paranormal Activity 3.

foo fighters

Somehow the Foo Fighters have become my favorite band. I mean, I’ve always liked them, but never enough to buy their albums. A couple of years ago I finally picked up their greatest hits album, which I liked well enough.

A little while back, David Grohl formed Them Crooked Vultures with another of my faves, Josh Homme of Queens of the Stone Age, (and don’t forget John Paul Jones of Led Zeppelin). I really liked this band. It was kind of like QOTSA, but a little different. The next thing you know, the Foo Fighters released another album. One of the songs I kept hearing on the radio was reminiscent of Them Crooked Vultures, so I was into it. Then I heard another, and another, and I liked them all. So, I picked up the album and have been listening to it nonstop ever since.

The funny thing is whenever I hear old Foo Fighters songs on the radio, I like them even more than I did before. So, I’ll be purchasing all of those albums, too. I suppose this is a good thing because it’s slim pickings these days for good rock music.

I only regret that we didn’t go see them in Pittsburgh last month. But, surely that won’t be our last opportunity to see the band.

the end

Of gardening season, that is. I removed the remaining plants from the garden this evening. I have to say, this is one of my least favorite days each year. But, it had to be done. I need to get the garlic planted within the next week (hopefully tomorrow), thus the urgency–the weather isn’t exactly going to be improving from this point forward.

Overall this was a good gardening year. I was hoping for more tomatoes, but I think that’s just because I started canning this year. Next year I will plant more so that I can preserve even more. I’m going to simplify things next year by eliminating some items and planting more of other items. My ultimate goal is to preserve enough food to get us through winter, so I need to concentrate on the things we eat the most and that are easiest to preserve.

two nights in a row

Brian and I went out again last night–this must be some kind of record. We attended a wedding celebration for a couple we are friends with. They were married last month in the Caribbean. We hung out with another couple we know and had a great time. There were appetizers, desserts, drinks and an acoustic band to be had. The event took place at the Boulevard Warehouse, which was cool. Another great evening!

ron white

Brian and I went to see comedian Ron White, who played at the Cambria County War Memorial Arena last night. His set was excellent and the opening comedian was pretty funny, too. This wasn’t a rock show–as soon as the opening act was done, Ron started. His act was around an hour and 15 minutes–not very long–but every minute was packed with laughs.

My grandmother watched Jake while we were on our “date”. Since we got out of the show earlier than anticipated (around 9:10pm), we decided to stop at the Alibi for a drink before picking up Jake.

I like the fact that the War Memorial has been bringing in some quality acts. That place sat stagnant for so long. The new management is really doing a great job. Jake and Brian are going to see Judas Priest next month. I opted out of that one because I’m not that much of a fan and it’s not like the tickets were cheap. But two cool events in town in two months is pretty good.

But, I digress. Two thumbs up for a great evening!