I know I’ve been dogging on the movies from the past, but this one was actually pretty good. It was surprisingly uncheesy given the subject matter. It was a good way to cap off Halloween Movie Month.
rabbit hole
I like a good, depressing movie just so long as there’s a spark of hope at the end. This one fit the bill. Brian does not like depressing movies at all–at least not ones he can relate to.
This movie told the story of a couple’s relationship in the aftermath of their young son’s accidental death. It starred Nicole Kidman and Aaron Eckhart. Both were excellent in their roles. Nicole Kidman has been in some pretty bad movies recently, so it was nice to see her in a good one for a change. I’m only surprised that this movie did not make more waves at the box office.
While this film was an honest portrayal of the couple’s grief, there were a couple of surprisingly funny scenes that did not take away from the message of the film at all. Recommended–except for Brian (who, incidentally, is still complaining about having to watch this movie).
I’m only a few weeks into the P90 exercise routine, but already, I’m seeing results. While I haven’t lost any weight per se, I’m definitely more toned than I was when I started. And, I’m only 25 days in, so I have to think things will only improve from here.
I really like the weight training days–I will definitely base future workouts on it. I absolutely loathe the aerobic days–I will definitely trade those in for the treadmill after I complete the 90 days.
I’m happy to have found an exercise routine that works and that I don’t mind doing (well, not too much, anyway).
paranormal activity 2
Much like the first movie in this series, I didn’t think I was going to like this one, but I did. Unlike Poltergeist, which we watched a few weeks ago, this one was actually kind of creepy. Poltergeist was just too over the top to be believable, but this movie, you could actually see happening–not really because I don’t believe in this crap, but on the other hand…
I liked how they tied the two movies together–that was pretty clever. I’ll definitely be seeing Paranormal Activity 3.
foo fighters
Somehow the Foo Fighters have become my favorite band. I mean, I’ve always liked them, but never enough to buy their albums. A couple of years ago I finally picked up their greatest hits album, which I liked well enough.
A little while back, David Grohl formed Them Crooked Vultures with another of my faves, Josh Homme of Queens of the Stone Age, (and don’t forget John Paul Jones of Led Zeppelin). I really liked this band. It was kind of like QOTSA, but a little different. The next thing you know, the Foo Fighters released another album. One of the songs I kept hearing on the radio was reminiscent of Them Crooked Vultures, so I was into it. Then I heard another, and another, and I liked them all. So, I picked up the album and have been listening to it nonstop ever since.
The funny thing is whenever I hear old Foo Fighters songs on the radio, I like them even more than I did before. So, I’ll be purchasing all of those albums, too. I suppose this is a good thing because it’s slim pickings these days for good rock music.
I only regret that we didn’t go see them in Pittsburgh last month. But, surely that won’t be our last opportunity to see the band.