Overall, I thought this was a pretty funny movie. Not a classic, by any means, but worth watching if you’re into the kind of comedy that presents itself in this movie. There were a number of funny scenes/quotes, some not mentionable here. I did a Google search and was disappointed to find out that the phrase “shut the front door” did not originate in this movie, but since I first heard it there, I’ll give them credit for bringing it to my attention. (We’ve been using that phrase around the house ever since we heard it in the commercials.) The car wash scene was hilarious and was made even better by the soundtrack (“Still of the Night” by Whitesnake). Sure, Cameron Diaz’s role was over the top and her change of heart at the end was not believable, but it’s just entertainment–not rocket science.
2011: the year in review
Favorite movie: Without a doubt, Winter’s Bone.
Favorite book: While I really enjoyed The Hunger Games series, the Sookie Stackhouse series has to trump them. I received all of the Sookie Stackhouse books for Christmas last year and read them in succession and then bought the new one when it came out in May.
Favorite music: 2011 was the “Year of the Foo” for me. I can’t get enough of that band.
We went to Wildwood, NJ for vacation. While we did not do a lot of motorcycle riding this year, we did take an enjoyable day trip to Kentuck Knob. And, we finally managed to see some live stand-up comedy for the first time.
A few new business ventures were taken on–at the beginning of the summer we bought a rental house and I also launched my drinking/craft website, Everyone Drinks.
We like to know how to do things. This year we added canning to our repertoire.
Oh, and there was an earthquake in Johnstown.
Here’s to 2012!
the living dead
I like zombies as much as the next person, but apparently not enough to read a book of short stories on the subject. There were a few good stories inĀ this book, but the problem was that many of the stories were only loosely related to the topic at hand. I started this book while on vacation in July and did not finish it until last week. Ugh. Of course, I read some other stuff in between. Not recommended.
christmas wrapup
Judy and Dave came over last night for a Christmas visit. This should mark our last Christmas-related activity for the season. Onto New Year’s…
We had a nice time sitting around and talking all evening. The dogs even behaved for the most part. Plus, I managed to snag another Foo Fighters CD and a bottle of wine, so we’ll call it a winner! With four new Foo CDs, methinks it is time to get the iPod updated.
Well, I guess I have one Christmas related thing left on my to do list–I forgot send Judy’s dogs’ treats home with her, so I’ll be making a stop at her place as early as today.
’tis the season
We spent a nice weekend with our families. First up was Christmas Eve. We had dinner at my parent’s house (Brian’s parents also spent the evening there). Afterward, we all went to the late service at our church, where Jake performed a Christmas song on guitar. He did a great job!
Yesterday, we spent Christmas afternoon at Brian’s parents house with his extended family. In the evening, my parents, brother, and his girlfriend stopped over our house for a visit.
I got a lot of nice things such as: clothes, books, kitchen stuff, watch, cds, and pedestals for my washer and dryer that Jake and Brian worked tirelessly on in the weeks leading up to Christmas–that was a nice surprise!
The holidays are all but over, so after all of the food, drinks, and cookies, it’s time to get back on the “diet”.