Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

dirty blonde

My mom bought me a few Lisa Scottoline books and I liked them, so she ended up buying me her whole catalog. While this particular book had a questionable storyline, it was a pretty quick read. To summarize the plot, the story is about a (female) federal judge who likes to sleep around (i.e. pick up guys in bars). These actions land her in trouble (otherwise there wouldn’t be a story). As much as I thought the plot was corny, I did enjoy the book. I think I might try another one of hers next before I temporarily move onto something different.

family weekend

Saturday night, my brother hosted a “meet and greet” for his girlfriend at his house. He had some of his friends and some of our relatives over for drinks and snacks that evening. It was a fun time. Sunday evening found us at Brian’s parent’s house celebrating Brian’s dad’s birthday (Happy Birthday, Ed!). Also, fun.

finding nemo

Jake and I watched this movie quite some time ago (I think he had it on a VCR tape back in the day). Despite multiple viewings by Jake, Brian never saw the movie in it’s entirety, so we watched it on Friday night. The movie was quite good–an animated classic for sure. This is one of those movies that is for more than just kids.


So, there’s the photo thing that’s been going on the past few years, Project 365, where you take a photo each day and post it somewhere for people to see. The idea behind it is to make yourself a better photographer. Jake received a new camera for Christmas this year, so I suggested that maybe we should give it a try. So, we’re all doing it and posting our photos to Facebook (and we’ve even recruited a few others to join us). It’s kind of fun at this point, but I have a feeling that it’s going to get tedious after a while, so I’m trying to get ahead (which is technically cheating because you’re supposed to take a photo each day, but whatever).


I thought this was going to be another ass-kicking Liam Neeson movie, but alas, it was not. And the plot was so contrived that it was hard to enjoy. Three thumbs down.