Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

may december

This movie was based on the Mary Kay Letourneau story from years ago. Sort of–it was an interesting take on it. Instead of simply telling the story, the plot was an actress doing research into the family because a movie was being made about the relationship. So, they made a movie about an actress researching an upcoming movie role. Clever.

While we all have our tolerances about what makes an acceptable age difference in a relationship, I think we can all agree that a 30-something dating a middle-schooler is not the way to go.

My rating: 3.5/5

cut my hair

Oops!…I did it again. I got my hair cut short, in a shaggy style. Unfortunately, it ended up way shorter than the photo I provided, but I guess it’ll be the correct length soon enough. The jury is still out on whether I’m going to like this or not–I need to buy some styling products and figure out how to style it properly. Historically, I cut my hair short for a year or so and then let it grow back out because I don’t like it, but I’m hoping to make it work this time.

the twelve

This was the second book in Justin Cronin’s The Passage trilogy. I didn’t like it as much as the first one, but it was ok. I’m hoping he has a strong finish with the final book, but I’m going to read a couple other things before I start on that.

One thing about this book that was hard to follow was the number of characters. At the end of the book, he lists them all for some reason and there are over 70. How am I supposed to remember all of that?

My rating: 3/5

good grief

I just love Dan Levy and his sweaters! This was a decent movie about grief–it was not overly sentimental. Nowhere near as good as Schitt’s Creek, but I look forward to seeing more from Dan Levy in the future.

My rating: 3/5

back to the new normal

After being in for a month, Jake went back to Virginia today. It was nice seeing him (and Amelia) for an extended length of time. Who knows if that will ever happen again? It was also nice having some company for dinner. And, I really hit it lucky having him home for the two snow storms. Haha.

While he was in, we worked on a puzzle that we’ve been working on for over a year. I guess I’m going to have to wrap it up myself because I just want it to be done at this point. We also played a new game I got for Christmas, Go. It’s fun, but we’re still figuring out the rules. It seems simple, but it is not. I’ll probably take it on our cabin trip this summer, which I just made reservations for this week. I’m already looking forward to it!

He’s not scheduled to be in again until May (for a work thing). I guess it’s possible they’ll be in at some point between now and then, but it would probably just be for a weekend. So I guess I just need to be thankful for the time I did get to spend with him.