Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

forgetting sarah marshall

Alas, Brian’s Birthday Month of Comedies had to come to and end sooner or later. And, we ended on a positive note with this movie. He previously caught part of this movie on TV and wanted to rent it, so into the queue it went. It was a pretty good comedy. While it didn’t have any “laugh till you cry” moments, it had enough funny stuff all around. In fact, the jokes were coming pretty fast–I probably missed a few.

The movie was about a guy whose girlfriend breaks up with him. In an attempt to get over her, he takes a trip to Hawaii. Unfortunately, she is also in Hawaii (staying at the same hotel, no less) with her new boyfriend (played by the always slimy Russell Brand). Hilarity ensues.

licensed to carry

Brian and I went to the courthouse yesterday and applied for (and received) our license to carry firearms. Interestingly, there were three other people there at the same time, doing the same thing. So, apparently just about everyone in Cambria County is packing heat. I was not expecting to have to wait in line to do this, but I guess that says something about the county we live in.

We also changed our voter registration from Democrat to independent. Given the gun thing, you probably thought I was going to say Republican, but I can assure you that will never happen.

While in town, we made a stop at the Cambria County Solid Waste Authority in order to drop off some items for recycling. Among other things, I had a boxful of CFL light bulbs. Those things don’t last any longer than regular light bulbs and besides being more expensive, you can’t even throw them in the garbage. Terrific.

Since we took the day off work to do all of this stuff, we treated ourselves to lunch at Everyday Gourmet & Fine Food Merchant. I’ve been wanting to go there since I first heard about it. We both had a soup and sandwich combo. My soup was quite good–French onion. The sandwich was good, too, but nothing special. It was a turkey, bacon, and Swiss. I will probably try something more adventurous if we go there again.

On our way home, we made a stop at the gun store in Richland and Brian bought a new gun (yay, tax refund!). We can hardly wait for the weather to break so we can go target shooting again.

the art of racing in the rain

Brian bought me this book for Valentine’s Day. It was quite good (despite being very sad throughout). The story was narrated by a dog named Enzo (yes, a dog–quite an insightful one at that) and was a super quick read (I completed it in 2 or 3 days).

Enzo was a believer in reincarnation. He believes that dogs are reincarnated as other dogs until they reach the point where they will become a human in their next reincarnation. This was the crux of the story.

This book was recommended to Brian by one of our clients. I have recommended it to Jacob, who is now reading it. I hope he enjoys the book as much as I did.

our idiot brother

I did not have this in my Netflix queue, but Brian wanted to see it, and since it’s Brian’s Birthday Month of Comedies, I felt obliged to add it.

That said, my original instincts were on target. It was a pretty boring movie. Brian fell asleep during it, but that is not necessarily a reliable way to judge a movie. It was not horrible by any means, but if a movie is a comedy, I expect it to be at least a little funny. This movie was a little funny, alright–very little.

devil’s corner

This was another book from one of my new favorite authors, Lisa Scottoline. Unfortunately, I was a bit disappointed in this book (I guess they all can’t be winners). The storyline and characters were just too unbelievable, even for fiction. Even so, it was a fairly quick read, though I did have to force myself to finish it–luckily I had a new book waiting in the wings and it gave me some motivation, even if the storyline didn’t.