This was an ok comedy–it had some funny parts, but nothing hilarious. And, it was pretty much a rehash of the first movie (down to showing the photos of what happened during the closing credits). Here’s to hoping there’s not a third movie in the series.
wine night
Last night we bottled two batches of wine. The first one was a German Traminer Spatlese and was quite good. It’s been a while since we’ve made a German wine and I had forgotten how much I like them. The second one was a blend of muscat, symphony, sauvignon blanc, and chardonnay. This, too, was good, albeit a bit too sweet. I think I messed up when I forgot to check the specific gravity at one point in the process. But, at least it tastes good–I was a bit worried about that.
I have two red kits to make. I need to get on that this week. The bad news is that I don’t have anywhere to put them once they are bottled (the wine racks are full). The good news is that we’re going to need to drink a lot of wine in order to make some room.
a better life
This was a good movie. It told the story of an illegal immigrant (played by the awesome Demian Bichir from Weeds) and his struggle for his son to have–wait for it–a better life. There wasn’t a whole lot going on in the story so I don’t want to give anything away by mentioning any of the plot points. But, if you like a good character study, this will do.
Despite the fact that this movie starred Ryan Gosling, it sucked. The dialog was horrible, the movie was slow (even though it clocked in around 1:40), the plot was stupid, and the soundtrack sucked. The only good thing about it was Bryan Cranston–I didn’t even realize it was him until his 2nd scene. The last half hour of the movie was definitely more interesting than the first two-thirds of it, but not enough to redeem the film.
painting floors
Because there’s nothing I’d rather do than paint, we decided to paint the floors of the music room, which is in our basement. We’re on a mission to finish up the room. A few weeks ago we painted it, then Brian put up quarter round around the ceiling. Next, goes the door and floor trim and we’ll be done. Here’s the before and after: