Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

third time’s a charm

On Tuesday night, Ralphie was up all night pacing around the house. Occasionally, I’d hear his collar tags jingle as he scratched himself. Or, he’d let out a bark. I didn’t think too much of it at the time, because sometimes the dogs are just annoying.

I fed him breakfast around 5 or 6 as usual and he was acting the same after that. Later in the morning, he threw up his breakfast and I noticed that his ears were red and swollen and he had a rash on his abdomen. Then, he started panting. Remembering some previous incidents, I gave him some Benadryl (just before lunchtime). Unlike the previous incidents, he did not have hives on his face, so I took a wait and see approach.

By 1pm, he was about the same, so I called the vet’s office and they had me take him in. The appointment was kind of useless because they can only examine him when he’s sedated, but they got the gist of things. He wasn’t as bad off as when this happened to Lizzy and Esme, so they did not give him a shot, but he did come home with a prescription for steroids. Once the steroids kicked in, he finally went to sleep and slept for about a day (he’s not super active to begin with). The swelling and rash went away pretty quickly after that and while I wouldn’t say he’s 100% at this point, he’s close. And, much like with the other two dogs, we couldn’t figure out what caused this allergic reaction, but I’m hoping it doesn’t happen again.

set it up

This was a somewhat funny rom-com. I don’t usually like Pete Davidson, but he had the best lines in the movie.

My rating: 3/5

the boulevard grill

I met a friend for dinner tonight at The Boulevard Grill. It was one of my old hangouts back in the day, but I don’t get there much anymore. I think 2021 was the last time I was there. Anyway, the food was great, as always, and it was nice catching up.


I finally finished my temperature blanket last weekend! For my temperature blanket, I knitted a two row pattern each day, in a color that corresponded to the day’s high temperature. I used 10 degree ranges for my colors (so, temperatures in the 50s were one color, temperatures in the 60s another, and so on). It took about 35 minutes a day to do this, so that’s over 200 hours for the blanket! There was a lot of yarn involved and I had to buy extra multiple times because I had to guesstimate how much yarn to buy for each color range (I used the previous year’s data) and the weather did not match my estimate.

under the banner of heaven

The patriarchy is alive and well in the Mormon church. Could you imagine having to take orders from your husband in this day and age? And, I’m not even talking about the fundamentalists, who take center stage in this limited series, which is about the murder of a young Mormon mother and her 15-month-old daughter. Worst of all, it’s based on a true story.

I’m starting to think that limited series are my favorite thing to watch. They have just the right amount of time to tell a story. There’s no dragging things out season after season. Conversely, you get so much more detail than you do with a movie.

My rating: 4/5