Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

bathroom project: day 6

Ok, so we weren’t able to finish up everything this evening. Such is the story of my life. Brian did get all of the new plumbing fixtures installed as well as the remaining trim, so at least we can check those off the list. I finished about half of the caulking (there’s so much to caulk!). And, we have at least half of the clean up done. So, I guess we will finish tomorrow.

I’m looking forward to getting back to my regularly scheduled tasking.

bathroom project: day 5

Things are back on track. Everything looked good this evening, so we were able to get the windowsill and all of the trim (except 4 pieces which couldn’t be measured for until everything else was installed). So, tomorrow, we just need to install those last 4 pieces of trim, caulk everything, install the new plumbing fixtures and clean up.

bathroom project: day 4

And, just like that, we’re behind again. We worked from home this morning and went to our rental property after lunch. There were a couple of spots on the surround that needed to be re-glued so we did that first. We also ran to Home Depot to pick up some more supplies (mostly trim). After that, Brian cut the pieces for the windowsill and we went back over there after supper to see if everything was going to fit. We need to wait for the tub surround adhesive that was applied today to finish curing before we install the windowsill, so that’s on hold until tomorrow. It’s only Tuesday, but it feels like we’re running out of time already. I’m hoping that I will have a different outlook tomorrow.

bathroom project: day 3

Today was the big day. We both took off work in order to put in a long day on the project. The messed up plywood was replaced and we also lined the whole surround area with quarter-inch plywood–we had some concerns about the new adhesive sticking to the leftover glue residue from the tiles, so the plywood will remedy that. Brian also got the window boxed in. Then, after cutting out the plumbing holes and the giant hole for the window, we installed the tub surround. It looked pretty good when we left. We had to put bracing up in order to hold everything in place–hopefully that will hold up until tomorrow or we’re screwed.

So, assuming everything is ok with that, all of the hard stuff is done. There’s still a bit of work to do, but we should easily be able to finish it up by the end of the week. Since we’re back on track, we’re only going to take the afternoon off tomorrow. We should be in pretty good shape by the end of the day tomorrow (fingers crossed).

bathroom project: day 2

We only had a little bit of time to work on the bathroom today because we had my cousin and her family over for a cookout this evening (which was way more fun than working on the bathroom, let me tell you).

After further inspection, we decided to remove and replace some of the plywood that was around the tub–it just had too much water damage. We managed to remove the plywood, but we didn’t have a chance to buy the new stuff yet. Brian also built the framing for the window that we’re boxing in. For whatever reason, there was a 4 foot ledge beneath the window. We’re going to make the ledge window-size in order to cut down on potential water issues.
At this point, we’re definitely behind where we’d like to be, but we’re taking tomorrow (and maybe Tuesday) off work and we’re going to be dedicating all of tomorrow to working on the project, so that should put us in good shape (I hope).