The three of us watched this movie over the weekend. It was an ok comedy. While the ending was quite predictable, it was still hard to believe (I did not feel that the actors had very good chemistry). Betty White was kind of funny, though. I love Betty White!
It’s official–we now have a vineyard. My parents were in the Finger Lakes region last week and they brought me home five Riesling grape vines. I wasn’t sure where to put them at first as we are running out of real estate at an alarming rate, but I decided the myrtle patch on the side of the house would be the perfect location. It’s guaranteed to have crappy soil (which grapes like) and is in full sun (which grapes also like). Hopefully they will survive the winter.
the descendants
This was an ok movie. I liked it well enough, but unfortunately, it was too depressing for Brian. Had I known that it was going to be depressing, I wouldn’t have suggested that he watch it. That said, it did not end on a depressing note. (I hate when depressing movies end in a depressing manner. For example, Clint Eastwood movies.) Luckily for him, we’re watching The Proposal this weekend, so it shouldn’t offend his sensitivities.
One of Brian’s high school friends had a beach wedding last week. The reception for it was yesterday at the Imperial Ballroom in Ebensburg. It was a nice, low-key affair. Brian gave the toast or his “speech” (as many people there called it). We had to leave a little early as it was a school night for Jake, but most of the festivities were wrapping up by that point anyway.
final appeal
Good thing for books and movies, otherwise I wouldn’t have anything to blog about. It seems like it was a busy summer, but I don’t feel like we really did anything. We did almost zero entertaining this year. And, with the exception of the bathroom remodel at our rental, we’ve been staying away from that kind of work in the summer. I did do a good job keeping up with my weeding tasks, so apparently that’s what I did this summer. I also canned and froze a bunch of stuff (and am not done yet).