Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

gone fishin’

The three of us took a quick fishing trip to Yellow Creek State Park on Saturday morning. It was a nice day for fishing. Unfortunately we didn’t catch anything–the fish were not biting. This was the only other time I went fishing other than our vacation. I was hoping to get out more, but it seems like we’re always busy doing something. Jake and Brian at least got out one other time (at the beginning of September with my Dad).

Seeing that we’re planning on vacationing at the same place next year, I’ll be getting my fishing license again in 2013.

new germany festival

I’ve been thinking about doing some craft shows for Everyone Drinks. This would be down the road because I don’t have enough inventory to do one at this time. So, I mentioned to my mom that I’m going to be checking out some craft shows over the next year in order to find out which ones would be good to attend and she suggested that we go to the New Germany Festival of Arts & Crafts. We did just that over the weekend.

Some things to note…there were a lot of people there, but I didn’t see a lot of people actually making purchases. There were some crafters there with exceptional work; quite a number with good work; and more than a few with shoddy work. The stuff I sell is definitely unique–there were a couple of related items for sale, but no one strictly selling booze-related items.
This was a two day festival, so I don’t know that I want to jump into something like that for my first show (and it’s not cheap to attend, either). I would prefer to try a one-day event and see how that goes. There will be plenty of other shows to check out in 2013.

the proposal

The three of us watched this movie over the weekend. It was an ok comedy. While the ending was quite predictable, it was still hard to believe (I did not feel that the actors had very good chemistry). Betty White was kind of funny, though. I love Betty White!


It’s official–we now have a vineyard. My parents were in the Finger Lakes region last week and they brought me home five Riesling grape vines. I wasn’t sure where to put them at first as we are running out of real estate at an alarming rate, but I decided the myrtle patch on the side of the house would be the perfect location. It’s guaranteed to have crappy soil (which grapes like) and is in full sun (which grapes also like). Hopefully they will survive the winter.

the descendants

This was an ok movie. I liked it well enough, but unfortunately, it was too depressing for Brian. Had I known that it was going to be depressing, I wouldn’t have suggested that he watch it. That said, it did not end on a depressing note. (I hate when depressing movies end in a depressing manner. For example, Clint Eastwood movies.) Luckily for him, we’re watching The Proposal this weekend, so it shouldn’t offend his sensitivities.