We finally got to meet our niece Juliet yesterday. She’s nearly three months old now and is a sweetie. Brian’s sister and the kids came in for the weekend so my in-laws had a family get-together yesterday afternoon/evening. We got to see some of Brian’s relatives that we haven’t seen in a while, so it was good to get caught up with everyone. Jake ended up staying the night. It’s nice that he gets to hang out with his cousins frequently even though they all–with the exception of Erika–live in NY.
the cabin in the woods
I don’t always watch horror movies, but when I do, I watch them in October.
paranormal activity 3
Much like the first two movies in the series, this was fun to watch. Though, I am sensing a trend here–all of the movies are basically the same (people videotaping what goes on at their house; main characters dying at the end; etc.). Still, pretty creepy. We’ll be watching Paranormal Activity 4 once it comes out on DVD.
The leaves are starting to fall (in particular, into the pond), so I spent today’s last 30 minutes of daylight covering the pond with netting. The weather has been decent, so I haven’t turned off the pump yet, but given the cooler extended forecast, that will be happening soon.
seafood lover
Last night we went to Red Lobster for supper. This is notable only because we rarely eat out (sure, we grab a pizza or a sub on occasion, but as far as sit-down meals go, it’s a rare occurrence). Brian’s parents bought us a Red Lobster gift card so this gave us an excuse to go out for a meal. Red Lobster was surprisingly crowded. Not sure if it’s always that crowded–the last time we went there it was for lunch and we were practically the only people there. There were a bunch of kids going out for homecoming, so that probably attributed to our wait. But, it’s good to see people spending some money. Maybe the economy is recovering.