Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

day off

This looked to be one of the last nice days of the year, so I took the day off in order to wrap up some things outside. I washed both motorcycles and both cars (I had to run to the office after lunch to swap vehicles) and touched up the rear bumper on my Highlander with some automotive spray paint (primer, paint and clear coat if you want to get specific). In between coats of paint, I raked all of the leaves in the back yard and put them in the compost pile.

After lunch, I took a well-deserved nap (yet I am still tired–I guess manual labor does not agree with me). After the nap, I went back outside and cleaned out the shed (so that we can put the motorcycles away before the big snow storm hits next week) and I rerouted two of our downspouts, one of which was connected to the sewer system and the other of which was connected directly to my rain barrel–I added a diverter to it so that when the rain barrel is full, the water will go through the downspout instead of draining through the overflow tube on the rain barrel. Nothing but fun for me today.

The rest of the evening, I’m just going to sit on the couch and watch tv, then read. Oh, and have a drink.

moment of truth

Another one from Lisa Scottoline’s Bennie Rosato series. However, Bennie Rosato was mysteriously missing from this book. Instead, the story centered around one of her associates, Mary DiNunzio. It was a pretty good book–it was about a man who confesses to his wife’s murder because he thought his daughter committed the crime and he was trying to protect her. But things aren’t as they seem. Dun-dun-dun!


This movie started as a fake movie trailer for the Grindhouse films. Apparently the trailer garnered enough interested that the director decided to turn it into a movie. It was definitely entertaining, though not for the faint of heart. On the other hand, the violence was so extreme, it was almost comical in nature. I will definitely watch the upcoming sequel, Machete Kills.

wishing for winter

I am so sick of all of the roadwork that has been going on all spring and summer that I’m actually looking forward to winter this year, just so I can get from point A to point B without having to take a detour.

The worst of it is the sewer line project they are doing in Ferndale. Single lane roads were the norm all summer, but they’ve taken it a step further and the intersection at Goucher and Franklin Streets has been closed for a couple of weeks. There’s a way around that, too, but even it was closed earlier this week. So, instead, we’ve been driving past the hospital (which always has a lot of traffic) to get to work. The project was supposed to be done by now, but yet it isn’t.
Plus, up by our house, they are putting in sidewalks along Goucher Street. Again with the single lane roads. It wasn’t too bad until last week when they started working at the end of our street. This project isn’t supposed to be done until next month, but I think it might finish up before the Ferndale one does.
Here’s to winter!

no naps for the busy

Sunday was a busy day. I started off the morning with a run (Did I mention I’m running now? It’s not very far–I just go around the block twice, which is one mile, and I’m doing more walking than running at this point but it’s a start). Later in the morning, Brian and I got our flu shots. (And now my shoulder is killing me. Thanks, flu shot!) We also hit Ace Hardware to pick up some parts for the afternoon’s rental improvement project.

The weather was nice yesterday afternoon, so I took the opportunity to clean out the garden and plant the garlic while Brian was at band practice. After that, it would have been a great day for a motorcycle ride, but we had to go to our rental property to take care of a few minor issues. Seeing that our motorcycles don’t pay us hundreds of dollars a month, sometimes other things have to take precedence.
The evening was topped off with the season three opener for The Walking Dead. And, a store-bought bottle of zinfandel. Plus, the Steelers didn’t lose. All in all, not a bad day.