Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook


It was a pretty productive weekend. Not only did we bottle a batch of stout beer, but I also whipped up a batch of spiced rum. And, I made Monterey Jack cheese today (and, yes, I know you can buy cheese at the store). Cheesemaking is a long, drawn-out process, so I caught up with my housecleaning between steps. I was hoping to do some Everyone Drinks-related work this weekend, but did not get around to it, but Brian worked on a few things for me so I’ll call it even.


This movie was amusing, but it was not the laugh-fest I thought it was going to be. Frankly, I expected more from Seth MacFarlane. Don’t get me wrong, it was a decent flick, but I just had higher hopes for it.

snow white and the huntsman

Surprisingly, the guys enjoyed this movie–I wasn’t sure that would be the case. There were enough fight scenes to keep them interested. I thought it was ok but not great. I’m not a fan of Kristen Stewart, but I do like Charlize Theron and Chris Hemsworth. Unfortunately Stewart played Snow White, so there was a lot of her in the movie. But, there were some cool effects and it was a unique telling of the story of Snow White.

more beer

We’re on a roll. We did manage to make the batch of stout last weekend. And, we bottled my lambic last night. I drank some of it and it was delicious. (And what a pretty color, too!) I can only imagine that carbonation will make it even better. We have our next recipe picked out and the ingredients bought already (it’s going to be a Pete’s Wicked Ale clone). Now, all we need is a half decent day weather-wise in order to accomplish the task.

the lazies

Unlike most of the other infected people out there, I seem to have caught a bad case of the lazies. I find myself sitting around in the evenings and not getting anything done. Of course, I don’t really have all that much stuff to do, so I suppose that is part of it, but there are definitely things I could be doing.

Maybe I should add a bunch of stuff to my “to do” list for some motivation. I hope this doesn’t last long.