Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

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This was your run of the mill action flick and there’s nothing wrong with that. I do agree with Brian on one point–the fight scenes were kind of lame. They did that thing with the multiple cameras where they keep switching angles. I’m sure it’s easier for them to film, but it’s hard to watch and makes the scenes look less realistic. But, it was still entertaining. I don’t see how they can pull off a third one of these, though.

the providence rider

This was the 4th installment in Robert McCammon’s Matthew Corbett series and it did not disappoint. Leave it to McCammon to make historical fiction interesting. I hope there is more to come.


I finally finished watching this series. I thought it was interesting how it started off as more of a comedy and then the middle seasons were pretty dark. The final season was definitely on the lighter side (in both levity and plot). I like how they fast-forwarded in time in the last episode to show how everyone ended up. I found the very ending to be a little weak (I like powerful endings–think “Newhart”, “Six Feet Under” or “Breaking Bad”*), but all in all an entertaining series to watch.

*”Breaking Bad” has not ended yet, of course, but I’m predicting that Walter White wakes up in bed with Lois (from “Malcolm in the Middle”) and says, “I just had the strangest dream…” One can hope, anyway.


I made another batch of cheese today. This one was a stirred curd cheddar. This method was a slightly less labor-intensive version of cheddar, which I made previously. I’m interested to see if there’s any difference in the final product. I’m only going to be making one more batch of cheese before summer (romano or parmesan–might as well go for broke!).

sunday, fun day

This afternoon we went to a gun raffle at the Portage Revolver & Pistol Club with my parents. We are members of the club and Jake is in their junior rifle league, so it was nice to be able to throw some support their way. They were giving away a ton of guns (and cash prizes, too), but, unfortunately we did not win anything. We still had fun, though.

After the raffle, we came home and tried out our new pizza-making gizmo. Prior to using it, I was lucky enough to find this article on how to make it work even better. We tried the foil trick mentioned in the article and got great results. A couple of pizza-making sessions ago, I started making this dough and I love it. While it does take a couple of days to make, it is totally worth the extra time–the dough is so nice and airy. So, the new dough in combination with the pizza “oven” made the best pizza that has ever come out of this house. I guess I don’t need that pizza oven after all.