Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

end of watch

This was a pretty good move. It was about two cops whose patrol was South Central LA. The movie showed an interesting perspective of police work, but it was ultimately about the relationship between the two officers.

The movie is notable for having a lot of profanity. In fact, only five other movies in history drop more f-bombs than this movie. To be honest, I didn’t really notice. After watching a couple of seasons of Deadwood, swear words just don’t have as much impact. Click the link to hear the swearing from just one episode (note: this is not for sensitive ears):

and they’re off!

It’s time to garden again. Actually, I never stopped from last year. In the fall, I planted a number of things under the hoops and, to my surprise, quite a few things did well. Spinach was the clear winner, but I also have bunching onions, kale and Swiss chard that are doing pretty well, too. So, I’ll definitely have to do that again this fall.

So far, I’ve only planted onions and potatoes outside, but I have tomatoes, peppers, squash, watermelons and cukes going in the house. Soon, though, things will be in full swing.


This political thriller told the story of the rescue of six U.S. Diplomats from Iran during the hostage crisis. It was quite compelling to watch. All three of us enjoyed the movie, though Jake said there weren’t enough fight scenes.

first day

I took my first vacation day of the year yesterday, primarily because I had to pick up my plants (25 strawberry plants and 2 oak trees) from the county’s annual plant sale. But I spent the day running around, so I guess it was good that I took the time off.

In the morning, I ran to Ebensburg to pick up the plants. On my way home, I stopped at Fine Wines & Winemaking of Windber to pick up a wine kit. Brian needed me to stop at the office for something, so I picked up some lunch for myself at Village Street Cafe before dropping in. Then I went home to wait for Jake to get home from school.

After Jake got home, I ran over to Westwood Garden Haven to buy some potatoes, which need to be planted tomorrow. I noticed that Fritz’s Farmers Market was open when I was on my way to Windber, but I didn’t have any extra cash on me, so I went there after getting the potatoes. And, I hit Ray’s Nurseries for a scoop of dirt for my new strawberry beds on my way home.

Right before making supper, I had to drop Jake off at his guitar lesson and then after supper, we went to the Bottle Works Ethnic Arts Center to see our niece win first place for three dimensional art (Yay, Erika!) in the student art exhibit.

Unfortunately, with all of that running around, I didn’t accomplish much else, but I guess there will be other days off for that.

black flagged

This book was surprisingly good. I say this because I got it from Amazon’s Top 100 Free list and I was not expecting much for my money ($0). That said, the book is no longer free and it’s the first in a series, so I guess that’s how they get you.

The story was about a former black ops soldier who gets pulled back into action. It was quite interesting. The only negative thing I can say about the book was that there were too many characters and it was difficult remembering who’s who. Other than that, it was a great story.

I’m sure I won’t be as lucky with the rest of the books I downloaded, but what do you expect for nothing?