Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

football weather

Baseball game. One of our employees rented a suite at the Altoona Curve stadium and invited us to attend the game. It was last night. It was fricking cold out there, but the suite was warm enough. As a bonus, the Pens game was playing on the television in the suite, so it was like a two-for-one deal. As I’ve probably stated before, I’m not fan of baseball, but if you have to watch a game, doing it from a suite is the way to go.

annual bd dinner

My parents hosted the annual birthday dinner for my brother and me yesterday. I haven’t been in the mood to cook lately, so it was nice to take the day off cooking. Plus there was cheesecake. And homemade limoncello (along with a bonus bottle to take home). And presents. So, I guess you could call that day a winner.

frozen potatoes

Oops. I forgot to cover my potatoes the other night and they got frosted. For the most part everything else in the garden made it through (a couple of the tomato plants got a little frost damage, so I might have to replace them, but I have a bunch of extra tomato plants, so no big deal). I read that the potatoes will probably still grow even with the damage. I guess I’ll find out in time. If not, I hope I can make it through the great potato famine of 2013.

lucky 13

Today is Jacob’s 13th birthday. While we celebrated with the whole family yesterday, today it was just the three of us. We went to Rey Azteca for dinner for the occasion. Happy Birthday, Jacob!


Normally our family get-togethers are fairly laid back affairs, but we had some extended family and friends at Jacob’s birthday celebration/Mother’s Day dinner this afternoon and it was a bit more rambunctious than most.

Since we were hosting so many people and were not able to do the cookout thing due to the weather (therefore everyone had to hang out in the house), Buster was shipped off to doggy daycare (he’s still pissed about that). Lizzy spent most of her time in the crate in the bedroom. Only Alice was left to her own devices.

I cooked a ton of food and got the house in shape yesterday. We have a bunch of leftovers, so I guess I won’t need to cook for a couple of days and that’s fine with me. I think everyone had a good time–I know we did.