Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook


I finally got my motorcycle back yesterday. After almost three months at the garage, they finally wrapped things up. Seeing that attaching a sidecar is supposed to take a day, this is not making me confident that it was done properly. That said, we will be taking it somewhere else to have it checked out. So, the saga continues…

I took it around the block a few times yesterday and it drove exactly how I expected–nothing like a motorcycle. It was fun, though.

gone fishy gone

Up until recently my pond consisted of a single koi, a single catfish and a handful of goldfish. I went outside to feed the fish yesterday and only the koi and catfish were there. There were no signs of foul play so I’m not sure what happened. This happened once before, though. It was a mystery at that time, too. After the first time, we added some hiding spots to the pond, but evidently it wasn’t enough. I guess some sort of wild animal got into the pond, but I don’t have a guess as to the species.

We’re going to add more hiding spots and wait a few weeks before restocking.

red thumb

I read that you can freeze green onions, so, after picking a bunch of green onions from my garden and not having a use for them, I figured I’d give it a try. I was happily chopping away, when I chopped about three-quarters of the way through the tip of my left thumb (nail included, bone not included). After assessing the damage, I grabbed a paper towel to put over my hand because I wasn’t all that interested in looking at it further (nor did I want to bleed all over the place) and went outside to enlist Brian’s help in driving me to a doctor.

I didn’t want to go to the ER and have to wait for four hours, so we looked up the three urgent care centers in Johnstown. Luckily one of them was still open (and I’m sure they were happy to see me walking in 20 minutes before their closing time of 9pm). I was seen right away, but we didn’t get home till around 10:30pm.

The doctor ended up putting two stitches in the fleshy part and using medical grade superglue on the nail side. I spent the day banging my sore thumb off of things, so I’m hoping that everything is still attached. I guess I’ll find out later when I change the bandage.

Brian’s going to finish chopping the onions tonight. I’m off of knife duty for at least a week.

because i can

The garden is underway and I’m ready to start canning. Not that there’s anything to can just yet. I cleaned out the pantry this afternoon and got rid of some stuff that did not get eaten from two years ago. That was the first year I canned and I made some weird stuff–just how many jars of sweet and spicy butternut squash can one eat? Sadly, not many. I think just about everything I made last year will get eaten except maybe for the abundance of hot peppers that I canned. In my defense, I didn’t have anything else to do with them.

We’re in the CSA again this year. Between that and my garden, there is no shortage of vegetables around here in the summer. My goal every year is to eat or preserve (or even give away) all of the veggies. I am not always successful. Case in point: the CSA started last week and I have a vegetable drawer full of leeks, bok choy and kale. *sigh* I have plans for the kale. I could probably figure out something with the bok choy. But, leeks, too? I don’t know that I’m up for the challenge.

new ink

I’ve been wanting to get a scripty “Jacob” tattoo for a couple of years, so I stopped by Matthew’s Party Tattoo and Body Piercing on Wednesday to set up an appointment. They were accepting walk-ins that day, so here’s my new tattoo.

Brian and I used to go to State of the Art Tattooing in Winchester, VA, but I must admit–this was a bit more convenient. The owner of SOTAT passed away a few years ago, but his daughter has since taken over the business (and she’s an excellent tattoo artist). So, Brian might be sticking with that studio. It’s probably just as well, because I don’t know how well our bank account would do if he had instant access to a tattoo artist. Heck, I’m already planning my next…