Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

under the dome (tv)

I was kind of excited when I heard they were making Under the Dome into a TV series because I really liked the book. I was kind of not excited because there’s not much good going on with network television (now if it were on HBO, Showtime or AMC, that would be another matter). But, I figured I’d give it a chance.

So, I watched the first episode last night. While there were some cool effects, the acting was subpar. So much so, that it brought the show down with it. I will not be watching again next week.

stolen thunder

We went downtown a couple of times and went on a few short bike rides, but we definitely did not take advantage of Thunder this year and we did not hit any of the satellite events like we did last year. We were supposed to go to the Richland Bike Bash last night, but ended up staying home and sitting on the patio with a fire and a Margarita, which wasn’t exactly a bad way to spend the evening.

an update

My thumb is doing much better this week. It doesn’t hurt as much when I bump it, anyway. The stitches are still in–they don’t look ready to come out yet. I will reevaluate on Saturday.

I talked to someone about my sidecar this week. Unfortunately, they are located about 2.5 hours away (past State College). So, we’re going to rent a trailer and take my bike there as soon as next week. I am confident that any work they do on the bike will be valid. However, depending on their findings and their schedule, I may be without a bike for another month or so. I guess it will all work out in the long run.
The timing of all of this is unfortunate with Thunder in the Valley occurring this week. But, I guess there’s always next year…At least Brian got his bike back. It’s not fixed yet, but it was deemed ride-able, so we took a scoot through town this evening. It didn’t look like much was going on yet, but we’ll be going downtown once or twice over the weekend.

father’s day

We had both families over for a Father’s Day cookout this afternoon. Unfortunately, the weather did not cooperate and we ended up hanging out in the family room. So far this summer has not been very summery.

Brian and Jake had to handle most of the food preparation due to my thumb issue. I was able to help out a little, though. Things turned out great and we have some leftovers so I don’t have to cook tomorrow (you’d think it was Mother’s Day).

the hangman’s daughter

This was an excellent book, recommended to me by Brian. It took place in the 17th century (an era I enjoy reading about) and revolved around a story in which the local midwife was accused of witchcraft. The main character, the hangman, tries to prove her innocence. Recommended.