We spent last weekend in the Pittsburgh area because Brian was a groomsman in our friend Steve’s wedding. The wedding rehearsal was on Friday, so we left town after lunch on Friday and did not return until Sunday afternoon. The wedding was held at the 1805 Harmonist Barn in Harmony, PA. It was a pretty laid back affair–right up my alley! The barn was pretty rustic, as was the music (a bluegrass band did the honors). We didn’t really know anyone there, though we did get to meet two of our Steve-referred clients in person, which was nice.
bucket list
This bucket list thing seems to be pretty popular. So, I sat down and thought about what I might want to put on mine, but everything I came up with was lame (most of them had to do with gardening). Given this, I won’t bore you with the details.
So, I don’t know if this makes me boring or content.
the fourth
We attended a couple Independence Day-related events this week/weekend. We kicked off the fourth by going to my brother’s place on Wednesday night for a cookout (fire, hot dogs, mountain pies, beer, you-get-the-idea).
While unrelated to the fourth, we went to a bloodhound demonstration at Canoe Creek State Park this afternoon. It was really cool. Heaven Scent Search and Rescue did the demonstration.
For this evening, we were invited to not one, not two, but three events (I don’t think that has ever happened before). We were already committed to the first event, so that’s the one we went to–the annual Hess Family 4th of July picnic. We hung out there for a few hours and now we’re back home.
dead ever after
This was the final book in the Sookie Stackhouse series. And, I’m glad this series has finally come to an end. I wasn’t much of a fan of the last few books. This book clocked in at 338 pages so it was a pretty quick read. I read a lot of people complained about the ending, but I didn’t have a problem with it. The book wasn’t terribly interesting or well-written, though. I even found a typo! I hate when that happens.
Brian and I celebrated our 17th anniversary last Friday. We went to Franklin Street Bar & Grill (I’m a cheap date) to mark the occasion. We just ordered sandwiches, but they were quite good. The bar seemed to be pretty stocked, too. The place is rather small and it was fairly well filled up, but it didn’t seem crowded. And everyone who worked there was friendly. I don’t have a bad thing to say about the place.