Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

little drummer boy

Jake’s always going around the house tapping everything with his hands, so I signed him up for a drumming class at the Bottle Works. He wasn’t too happy about it, but he ended up loving the class. So much so that he’s going to start taking drum lessons. So, the $75 class is going to cost me $50 a month. I hadn’t anticipated that outcome.

back in business

Brian and I drove out to Middleburg today to pick up my motorcycle at Freedom Sidecars. I’m so glad to have it back. With less than two months left in the riding season, I have a lot of riding to make up for.

The owner of the place was kind enough to give me some riding tips and also took me to a parking lot for some practice driving. It was very helpful.

The bike looks and runs great now. It was definitely worth the time and expense to get it done right. I only wish I would have done that the first time.

fowl play

In June, something ate all of the goldfish in my pond. I put off purchasing new goldfish until yesterday. At the store, I mentioned that something ate all of my goldfish and the clerk responded that a blue heron was spotted in the area and has eaten goldfish from a number of area ponds. So, I guess that mystery is solved. Though I’m not sure what to do to prevent this in the future. I’ve been doing some research on the subject and there doesn’t seem to be a good solution out there.

jeff, who lives at home

Boy, it’s been a while since we’ve watched a movie. My Netflix queue was getting a little low, so I backed it down to two movies a month (plus streaming, but there are hardly any movies on streaming that I want to watch). In the interim, I’ve been watching some television series (Dexter, True Blood), so hence the lack of movie posts. Which is just as well because the summer has been keeping me pretty busy.

While billed as a comedy, this was more of a dramedy (think Scrubs). It told the story of a stoner son looking to discover his destiny, which he does in the end (not really a spoiler). The movie was pleasant enough, but nothing special.

My rating: 3/5

the kill clause

This is the first novel in Gregg Hurwitz’s “Tim Rackley” series. I read it (and a host of non-fiction) while we were on vacation last week. Unfortunately, I happened to read the 2nd book in the series first, but this did not put a damper on things. The plot was a tad questionable, but overall, it was quite a good read. The 3rd book in the series is currently burning a  hole through my bookcase, so I think I will be reading it soon.