Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

true blood

I read all of the “True Blood” books in the not-so-distant past. I thought the book series started off strong, but ended on a rather weak note. But it has nothing on the TV series. I will not be sticking this one out until the end. I found myself reading magazines while watching episodes from season 5 and decided to hang it up. The show has quite a lot of differences from the book, so I was hoping that it would have a stronger plot, but it did not. Dare I say, I think it’s even worse than the books. I did enjoy the first season or two, but season 5 was just awful. I think it’s time for “True Blood” to meet the “true death”.

ki ki ki kia

As you might have gleaned from one of my posts yesterday, our wrecked Hyundai Elantra was designated as “totaled”. We got word of this on Thursday and were required to return the rental car on Friday. Unfortunately, we haven’t received the money for the car yet–we just got the paperwork for that in the mail yesterday, but we can’t really function with one car, so we went to Blue Knob Auto and bought a new car yesterday.

We ended up with a 2013 Kia Optima. I had a bunch of different makes and models on our list (you need to do that when you’re researching their cars because they go FAST!) but the Optima was at the top of the list because it had less than 1000 miles on it and Kia has a 5 year warranty. We took it for a test drive and liked it, so that was all she wrote! So, basically, it was like getting a new car, but at a couple thousand dollar discount. You can’t beat that.


I left the office yesterday to pick Jake up after he got home from school. When I exited the alley behind our office, I cut the wheel too sharply and scraped the rear fender against a telephone pole. Ugh. I pulled over to survey the damage and wasn’t too happy with what I saw.

So, I returned to the office and told Brian about it. He was understanding, as usual. On our way home from work (our rental car that we’ve been using since the accident had to be returned yesterday. hopefully we’re going to get a new car today), we stopped at Deyarmin’s Garage and they were able to pull most of the dent out (with a nifty device like this). That made me feel a little better. However, there is a scrape in the paint so we’re going to need to have that repaired. The guy at the garage didn’t think it should cost more than a couple hundred, so I guess that’s not too bad. However, it is one more thing that needs to be done.
Needless to say, my bike is being winterized this weekend. It’s the only vehicle of ours that hasn’t been involved in an accident this year and I intend to keep it that way.


It’s been a while since we watched a movie. I cut back on my viewing over the summer (plus I was catching up on a few TV series on DVD) so hence the lack of movie reviews.

I like to watch horror movies every October just to get into the spirit of things. In the DVD player last night was Sinister. The premise of this movie sounded interesting enough–a true crime author moved his family into a house where a crime he was researching was committed. He found a cache of snuff films in the attic of the house. Soon, he figured out all of the crimes were related and things went downhill for him from there.

The movie was ok, but don’t make the antagonist look like a character from a Norwegian black metal band and I might be able to take it more seriously.

My rating: 3/5

marathon man

On what was probably one of the hottest October days ever, Brian ran in the Johnstown Marathon on Sunday. He spent the summer training for this event. And, while it took him a little longer to complete than he might have liked, he did manage to finish. Things were looking a little sketchy at first–the aid stations weren’t supplying him with enough hydration and I had to make a delivery of water and Gatorade around the 17 mile point. Luckily, he met up with someone who was running her 96th marathon and she coached him through the rough spot. The good news is that he can now check this off his bucket list.