Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook


This was a nifty little horror story. Two very young girls were left in the woods for five years and had to fend for themselves. Once they were found and returned to their family, weird stuff ensued. This movie had some pretty great special effects particularly related to the antagonist.

My rating: 3.5/5


My parents had been after us all summer to go target shooting with them. But, summer’s always busy for everyone and we never were able to make that happen. They planned on going shooting this weekend and invited us along. We happened to be available, so along we went. Brian and Jake built an AR-15 last weekend, so we were going out one way or the other this weekend. The new gun is really nice–it’s quite fun to shoot. We took a bunch of other guns, too. My parents took a variety of targets (balloons, water bottles, clay pigeons) for us to shoot, so that was more interesting than shooting paper targets. It was a bit chilly this afternoon, so I think this will be it for the shooting until next spring.


This was the 3rd novel in Gregg Hurwitz’s Tim Rackley series. For whatever reason, I did not enjoy this book as much as I’ve enjoyed his other ones. I think it had to do with the fact that the plot centered around a drug-running biker gang. And, since I just finished watching Breaking Bad and am currently watching Sons of Anarchy, it was a bit of a thematic overlap. Or it could be that I’m just too distracted with a million other things to concentrate on reading. I guess I’ll find out if that is the case once I start reading my next book this evening.


One of Brian’s friends invited us to a pumpkin carving party last night. It was quite the event–there were probably 30-40 people there, mostly kids. And, these people cooked up a storm. They will probably have enough leftovers for a week!

They had multiple pumpkin carving stations set up. And, after everyone was done eating, the kids got to work. After the kids got bored, the adults finished the job. There were some nice pumpkins on display. What a fun way to spend a Saturday evening!

world war z (movie)

As much as I disliked the book, I liked this movie. It was quite engrossing. Of course, the movie was nothing like the book, so that explains it. And, it starred Brad Pitt (which is always a plus). It was just your basic zombie apocalypse story. So, if you’re into that sort of thing, you will surely enjoy this movie. And, did I mention Brad Pitt?

My rating: 4/5