Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

well, shit

Last night, Brian had to run to the office to get something. Jake and I were watching Sons of Anarchy at the time. Shortly after he left, I heard the fire whistle blowing and I thought “hmm, I hope that wasn’t Brian”. Turns out it was. A skunk was crossing Goucher Street and Brian slowed down to avoid hitting it. Unfortunately, the lady driving the car behind him did not and she rear-ended him.

The lady appeared to be ok, but was really shaken up so she went to the hospital. Brian was fine. I picked him up at the scene after they were done with him. The car looks like it might be totaled–the back end is completely smashed and it’s not like it’s an expensive vehicle, so I think we might be car shopping soon. I guess we’ll find out next week.

winter garden

Yesterday, I planted some stuff that will eventually be under the hoops. Lettuce, spinach, onions and the like.

I’m crossing my fingers that there isn’t a frost tonight because I still haven’t gotten around to picking the remaining peppers that are growing in the garden. Though, I did can a nice batch of pickled peppers over the weekend.

I noticed some leaves falling already. Soon, it will be time to close the pond for the winter.

I’ll end with a haiku:

It’s almost winter
No more playing in the yard
Time to clean the house

shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot

We were supposed to take one of our employees shooting today after work, but she was not feeling well and was unable to make it. Hopefully we’ll get to reschedule for next week.

Brian, Jake and I decided to go anyway because we didn’t get to go shooting yet this summer. We ended up taking the shotgun, which we purchased quite a few years ago and never shot until today. It was a lot of fun. Brian filled up some gallon jugs with water and we used them as targets. We took a couple of other guns and our new metal pistol target, which was pretty cool. Brian spent the evening cleaning guns so now the house smells like gun solvent. Ahh…

the dead room

This book was ok for being a free one. It had a couple of typos in it, though. Typos in books really bug me. How about getting an editor? Anyway, it was a pretty cool story about a serial killer. The serial killer story line had a nice twist to it. But, then the author made a totally unnecessary twist at the end that ruined the story a little for me.

My rating: 3/5

grape jelly

I always thought (well, not always, but since I’ve been canning) it would be cool to make grape jelly, but I didn’t have a source for the grapes…until yesterday. One of my Facebook friends posted that she had some extra concord grapes growing in her yard and they were up for grabs. I immediately called dibs and was rewarded with two grocery bags full of grapes.

I extracted the juice last night and made jelly tonight. It is quite tasty. I see a lot of PB&J sandwiches in my future.