You know how when your accessory mode of transportation won’t fit in your outbuilding? That’s the problem we encountered yesterday. Neither one of us gave a thought about the fit until it was time to pull the bike and sidecar into the shed. So, now my poor bike is going to be sitting in the driveway all winter. However, all is not lost. I found these motorcycle shelter thingsĀ online and ordered one of them. This sidecar just keeps getting more and more expensive as time goes on. Hopefully I’ll actually be able to enjoy it next year.
this is the end
This was an amusing film about the end times (aka the rapture/apocalypse) and how it affected a group of celebrities that were at a party at James Franco’s house. Given the subject matter, it bordered on the absurd a number of times (though I’m sure this was on purpose). I like my comedies to be rooted in reality a bit more than this one was, but it was entertaining enough.
My rating: 3/5
in wake of water
I forgot I had a blog there for a moment.
Last week, I finished this novella. It was written by a friend’s wife (SBR Martin). Not a bad first effort. I was particularly impressed by the fact that there weren’t any typos in the book. How does a self-published effort accomplish that feat while major publishers can’t get that right (I’m talking to you, Charlaine Harris)?
My rating: 3/5
Our first set of renters at our rental house moved out this weekend. They were there almost 2.5 years, which was great for us. We need to do a couple of maintenance items at the house and then we’ll put it back on the market (probably by the end of the week). I’m not looking forward to finding new renters. The ones we had were pretty good and I know that’s not always how these things go.
paranormal activity 4
We watched this last night. I did not enjoy it as much as the previous Paranormal Activity movies. It was slower moving than the others (basically nothing happened in the first 30 minutes). And, the ending was predictable, too. Nothing special here.
My rating: 2.5/5