Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

turkey day

We hosted Thanksgiving at our house this year. Members from both of our families were in attendance for a total of 13 people. This may not sound like much, but typically our family gatherings are eight or less in number, so this was a pretty big affair for us.

Ironically, Brian built a new dining room table that seats eight, but since we had so many people over, we had to set up a second table.

I took off Wednesday to cook and clean, but mostly fooled around on the computer, so I was cooking like a madwoman yesterday. I did have some help–the guests brought desserts and side dishes–so it wasn’t all on me. Unfortunately, I forgot to put out the cranberry sauce that my mom made (sorry, Mom!) so I guess I’ll be eating a lot of that over the next few days.

While hosting a holiday dinner is a lot of work, I do rather enjoy the whole process. Except maybe the cleaning part…

table games

So, I was supposed to have a new dining room table by Thanksgiving. And, I will–sort of. Brian has been diligently working on my Mission-style table all month. The top is completely done and finished, but the bottom half is still a work in progress. He’s planning on having it wrapped up this evening, but I am doing a multi-step finish (which takes a number of days to complete), so it will be unfinished for tomorrow’s dinner. But, that’s ok as long as we have a table to use. I am looking forward to wrapping this project up, though.

the campaign

This was a pretty funny movie. It starred Will Ferrell and Zach Galifianakis as two opponents in a congressional race. It was full of hilarious profanity and stupid humor–right up my alley. There’s not really anything else you need to know.

My rating: 3.5/5

the weekend

Besides the usual laundry, cooking and cleaning, I managed to accomplish a lot over the weekend. Since the weather wasn’t too bad, I went outside and did all of the stuff that was supposed to be done last month–finished winterizing the pond; did some yard and garden clean-up; and put some things away.

Indoors, I made my Christmas cards and worked on some wine bottle glasses for Everyone Drinks. I also watched a movie, “Sons of Anarchy” and “The Walking Dead”. I even read a little bit of “Doctor Sleep”.

And, I even snuck in a nap each day. We’ll call it a winner.

the lincoln lawyer

This was a interesting legal thriller. I knew nothing about this movie going into it (other than the fact that Matthew McConaughey played the main character, a lawyer) so I won’t spoil it for anyone by talking about the plot because how this movie comes together in the end is practically brilliant.

My rating: 4/5