Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook


I finally finished watching the Dexter series last night. Because it was unavoidable, I heard how the series ended before watching it (and frankly, I was disappointed). However, in watching it, I think they pulled it off pretty well. I would have liked a better explanation of the last few minutes of the show, though.

I was getting a bit bored with the series by the end. Season 4 with John Lithgow was outstanding, but things kind of went downhill from there. Well, maybe “downhill” isn’t the correct word, but every season was the same (Dexter chasing some serial killer), so it was a little boring. My favorite thing about the show was Dexter’s sister, Debra Morgan. She was the best thing on tv since Al Swearengen.

doctor sleep

This book, by Stephen King, was sort of a continuation of The Shining. It revolved around Danny Torrance as an adult. The antagonist in this book was a group of otherworldly type humans. Good vs. evil. Yada, yada, yada. This book was sort of in the same vein as Hearts in Atlantis, which is not one of my favorites. That said…

My rating: 3/5

weekly blogger

Here is my obligatory weekly blog post. There’s nothing blog-worthy going around here, hence the lack of posts. Which isn’t to say that there’s nothing going on, but do you really want to hear about how I spent an hour sanding wine bottle glasses the other night? I didn’t think so.

Since I last wrote, we had some sad family news. Brian’s grandmother passed away last weekend. The funeral was in Maryland, where she lived, so we were there on Monday for the viewing and Tuesday for the funeral.

Tuesday night, Jake had his Christmas choral concert at the middle school. The rest of the week was business as usual (that is, nothing worth noting). And that brings us to this weekend. We were supposed to go out for dinner with another couple this evening, but those plans have been postponed due to the weather. Grumble.


I am almost ready for Christmas. Almost. I have most of my gifts bought, but not wrapped. Some of my dog cookies are made (none of the human ones though–maybe I’ll skip it this year). The house is decorated–with the exception of putting the ornaments on the tree. So, really, nothing is done (except for my cards, which I did last month). I suppose I should pick a lane and finish one of these tasks. Maybe next weekend…

the iceman

This movie was based on the true story of Richard Kuklinski, a man who claimed to kill over 100 men. The main character was a pretty entertaining mashup of a serial killer/mob hit-man (and, strangely enough, family man). Brian and I both gave it a thumbs up. Plus, it clocked in at under two hours, as all movies should.

My rating: 3.5/5