Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

side effects

This movie was supposed to be about how the side effects from a popular antidepressant negatively affected one woman and her husband (she killed him while in a sleepwalking state. that’s pretty negative, right?). However, there was more to it than you might think. The end was pretty convoluted and it seemed like it took a long time to get there, but it was an ok movie overall.

My rating: 3/5

christmas 2013

This was a pretty laid back year for Christmas activities. To summarize:

  • We spent Christmas Eve with my family. Brian’s mom and dad were also in attendance. After those festivities were done, we went to an overly long Christmas Eve service at our church, then came home and got things ready for Christmas morning.
  • Christmas Day was spent with Brian’s family. It was a pretty quiet affair, with just Brian’s parents and our niece.
  • On the 28th, we went to a Christmas party at a friend’s house. It was pretty raucous–lots of people, lots of kids. It’s the same place we went for a Halloween party in October. Surprisingly, there was even more food at the Christmas party and all of it was great. Unfortunately, Jake was not in attendance as he was visiting his cousins in NY.
  • Last night, my parents came over for a Christmas visit.
  • And, to conclude Christmas, we met Judy for drinks (and our annual exchange of gifts) at The Boulevard this evening.

And, that should wrap things up until next year. Brian and I have been taking every other day off over the holidays so that Jake didn’t have to spend his time off at the office. Tomorrow is my day to work–those are my main New Year’s Eve plans. I guess it’s possible that we’ll go downtown to the Celebration Johnstown event tomorrow night, assuming I can drag myself out of the house. New Year’s Day will be spent in our usual manner–pork and sauerkraut for lunch (and champagne), a nap on the couch, and then the putting away of the Christmas decorations.

at the mountains of madness

This was my first foray (as far as I can recall) into H.P. Lovecraft and I’m pretty sure it will be my last. I read this on my Kindle (I downloaded the story for free). tells me that the story was only 84 pages, yet it took me about two weeks to read it–how’s that for crappy?

My rating: 2/5

the heat

Brian and I watched this movie last night. I found it to be humorous, but it seemed like they were trying too hard or something. I mean, with as much swearing as there was, it should have been hilarious. That said, there were a couple of funny bits, but it was a little too formulaic for my taste.

My rating: 3/5


I’ve been taking Zyrtec for allergies pretty much continuously for a year or so. I haven’t been sneezing as much lately, so I thought I’d take a break from it until spring. I stopped taking it for a couple of days the other week and got all itchy. I didn’t think much of it at the time, but I started taking it again due to the itchiness. I stopped taking it again the other day. Yesterday, I got all itchy. Noticing a trend, I did a Google search and, much to my surprise, this is a withdrawal symptom from going off the medication. Terrific.