Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

yarn shopping

I finished knitting Brian’s scarf last night. To celebrate, my knitting teacher took me yarn shopping in Ligonier this morning so that I could get some yarn for some new projects. I can see that this is going to be an expensive hobby! Don’t tell Brian…

super bowl

We had our annual Super Bowl party with our families last night. The game was awful, but it’s just as well because you can’t really pay attention to it when there are that many people in the room. The food was great, though. We did the main dishes and everyone brought sides. There was too much to eat! I would have liked to have seen Peyton Manning win another ring. Maybe next year…

alice update

Brian took Alice to her vet appointment today. The vet is not sure what’s growing on Alice’s lip, but she does know that it’s infected. So, Alice is on a course of antibiotics. One of two things is going to happen–if the lump responds to the antibiotic and shrinks, then we’re good to go. Otherwise, it’s probably something bad and she’s going to need surgery to have it removed. Either way, the vet commented, “Alice is so old. It makes me sad.” So that’s not exactly a vote of confidence. This comment is not to be taken the wrong way–Alice was actually one of her first patients, so she’s been seeing her for quite some time now.

Buster, on the other hand, will begin the switch to his new medication on February 8. It will be a 5-8 week process and we will not be accepting any visitors during that timeframe.

Stay tuned for more dog updates.

calm before the storm

It’s official–Buster’s medicine, Clomicalm, is no longer available. Well, that’s not entirely true–you can get a bottle of the generic form, clomipramine, for $1000 a bottle. But, that’s a little more than I want to pay. So, he’s making the switch to Prozac next month. The problem is that we have to mostly wean him off of the Clomicalm first, so it’s going to be a nightmare (he does not do well off his meds). Another potential problem is that we don’t know if Prozac is going to have the same effect on him. We can only hope so at this point. The vet is giving us an additional medication that’s supposed to calm him down during the weaning period, so we can only hope that works. Once weaned, we’ll be able to start him on a small dose of Prozac and increase the dose on a weekly basis until he’s at therapeutic levels. It should be a fun month.

In other dog news, Alice has a large growth on her lip, so she has an appointment to get that checked out this week. It doesn’t seem to be bothering her, but you really shouldn’t have an inch large lump on your lip. I hadn’t noticed it until recently because it’s on her bottom lip and the upper one covers it up.

Our skanky cat has been pulling his hair out for months. He’s been on a couple of courses of steroids for this. Things are looking a little better with him, but not great. I think he’s due for his annual checkup next month, so I guess the vet can look at it then.

Lizzy, the healthiest of them all, has been limping a bit lately, though it doesn’t seem to be related to her previous back issues. She just turned 12 this month, so it’s probably just arthritis or some other age-appropriate ailment combined with this ridiculously cold weather we’ve been having.

I’m going to need to get another job to pay for all of this.

running from the law

This was another one from Lisa Scottoline. It was different from the usual series I read from her, but still featured a female lawyer as the main character. It was a pretty quick read, but nothing particularly thought provoking.

My rating: 3/5