Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

early easter

My brother had to work today, so we celebrated Easter yesterday evening. I hosted this year and we had the usual Eastery-type foods. I took Friday off to clean and prep some food. That was probably unnecessary, but I didn’t have to rush around on Saturday, so it was worth it.

Easter symbolizes spring, right? I hope spring gets here soon! I have been cooped up in the house far too long. We’ve had a couple of nice days but they were during the week so I didn’t get to enjoy them.

j is for judgment

This was a pretty good story. And, it didn’t have a ton of characters to keep track of, like Grafton’s stories often do.

I’m ahead of schedule with my book reading this year. I try to read at least one (fiction) book a month–I read a bunch of non-fiction, too, but I don’t document it here–and this is the 6th (fiction) book I’ve finished in 2024!

My rating: 3.5/5

office kitchen

The office kitchen walls have been painted. They’re the lovely Aloha color from Behr. So, now the kitchen looks like it belongs in a beach house. I’m really happy with how it turned out–I wasn’t sure I was going to like the color. Brian helped me paint and it still took 3 hours (the room has a lot of stuff to paint around). I still have to paint the floor, window, and door trim (I already did the crown molding), but that will happen in the coming weeks (weekends, actually).

john wick: chapter 3 – parabellum

On Saturday night, I watched the last of the John Wick movies that are available to me. He sure had to kill a lot of people in this one! The one thing I don’t like about this series is how they sort of tout his dog sidekick, but then the dog hardly has any scenes. Much like the 2nd movie in the series, I could probably use a break between these, but it is what it is. We’ll see how I feel about the 4th one once I’m able to watch it.

My rating: 3/5

kick the keg

The nonprofit I’m involved with had a Kick the Keg fundraiser at The Fifth last night. They donated a keg of beer and we received all proceeds from the sale of beer from that keg. We haven’t gotten the numbers yet, but there was a pretty good turnout thanks to The Evergreens donating their time to perform during the event. Our donation box received way more donations than I expected. So, I’d deem this fundraising effort a success based on that.