Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

gardening seminar

This morning, I went to a gardening seminar on backyard fruit production. Ron McIntosh (the former “Green Grower” on WJAC-TV from way back) was the instructor. The seminar, held at Sandyvale, was full of great information. This was the last one in the spring series, but they’re planning on doing some more in the fall. I’d definitely go to another one of these.

Even better, I came home and did some gardening.

knitting frenzy

Since I’m still waiting for the weather to warm up (should be happening today!), I’ve had a lot of time to knit. I finished Brian’s hat last weekend and started on a hat for Jake. Jake’s hat should be done this weekend, then I’ll have to decide on my next project (or maybe get a couple going at once).

While I haven’t gotten outside yet this spring, I did manage to get a bunch of seeds planted in the house. But, this weekend’s calling for 100% chance of gardening. I can’t wait!

american hustle

I couldn’t wait to watch this movie, but it was a bit of a disappointment. Maybe I just had too many things going on while trying to watch it (work stuff, knitting issues), but I just couldn’t get into it. Brian, on the other hand, loved it. Go figure.

My rating: 3/5

asiago’s tuscan italian

Yesterday was my mother-in-law’s birthday, which we celebrated at Asiago’s Tuscan Italian restaurant. I’ve been wanting to check that place out for a while, so it was nice to finally go there. Originally, the restaurant was located in Richland, but now it is at the Inclined Plane location in Westmont. We practically had the place to ourselves. I realize it was a Thursday and all, but it makes me wonder how these places stay open. At any rate, I thought the food was really good (I had the Tuscan Chicken) and, best of all, I have leftovers for today’s lunch.

still knitting

Not much has been going on here. I’ve started a few seedlings indoors, but Mother Nature hasn’t been cooperating as far as getting anything done outside. Jake finished up rifle league yesterday, so that will save me some running around on Saturdays moving forward. I’m still knitting like a fiend–I finished knitting a scarf for myself last weekend and have started on a hat for Brian. And, in between, I’ve been working on some felted coasters–I’m still trying to figure out that process, though. Given all of the knitting, I haven’t been doing much reading–just some nonfiction and magazines.

As far as tv-type entertainment, I started watching an interesting show last night called “The Returned”. It’s about a group of people (from a village in France) who return from the dead with no recollection of dying. I’m only one episode in, but I think I’m going to like it. I’m also going to be starting season 3 of “Six Feet Under” soon, so movies will be on hold for a while. Brian and I have been watching an interesting series on human behavior (we’re about half way through the series). And, tonight is the season finale of “The Walking Dead”–should be good!