Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

frankenstein: city of night

This book was a continuation of the first story. Much like the first one, this one did not come to any sort of conclusion, though the ending was more abrupt in this case. I liked it well enough, but I would have liked some sort of ending. I realize there are a few more books in the series, but I can only read so much Koontz in a year.

My rating: 3/5


Jake made not one, but two, debuts this week. The first one was his public drumming debut with the Westmont Middle School Chorus, of which he is a member. Their spring concert was on Tuesday and he played the drum set during one of the songs. The second was this evening at the Community Arts Center’s Greater Johnstown Young Artists Exhibit where one of his art projects from school was on display. And, not only was it on display, but it also won a merit award, which came with a small monetary prize. Our niece Erika also had a piece of art on display there and also won a merit award. Kudos to Jake and Erika!

social activities

On Saturday, I went to a baby shower for a friend’s daughter-in-law. It was at Off the Rak in Ebensburg, which is an establishment that I rather like. The lunch was great and there were no shower games (I approve). And, I even passed out one business card.

Yesterday, we had Jake’s family birthday party. I guess it was family+ this year because a few of his friends were invited, too. It was a bit of a rush to get everything ready for the party since I wasn’t home Saturday afternoon, but I managed. We had to have the party in the house because of the weather (we usually have it outside), so Brian took Lizzy and Buster to doggy day care. It was well worth the money.

don jon

This movie was about a guy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) who was addicted to porn and how he overcame it. This was a comedy, by the way. The storyline was pretty good at the beginning, but it got kind of sappy at the end. I won’t go into the details. But the real star of this movie was Tony Danza, who played the father of Joseph Gordon-Levitt. He stole every scene he was in with his excess of f-bombs. Who’s the boss now? I’d say it’s Tony Danza.

My rating: 3.5/5

law day

My father-in-law informed me that today is Law Day. I must have known this on some level, because I took the day off.

I’d been wanting to take a day off for a while now, but things have been busy at the office and I don’t like taking time off when I have too much to do. I managed to whittle down my to do list to a manageable level recently, so I decided to take a day off.

I didn’t have anything special planned for the day. I was hoping to do some gardening, but the weather isn’t great. I’ve already shot the morning by going to the recycling place in Ebensburg to drop off some electronics for recycling. The afternoon doesn’t look much better. But at least I do a better job of taking time off than Brian does–he typically works a half day when he does so (plus he usually doesn’t even have to use time off because he works too many hours in a week). Whereas, I’ve worked less than an hour so far today. We’ll call it a winner.