Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

the cure

I’m happy to report that Buster is doing pretty well on Prozac. Maybe not quite as good as when he was on Clomicalm, but good enough. And, I doubt they will stop manufacturing Prozac any time soon, so we should be good to go, though who really knows?


This movie told the story of a plane that encountered mechanical difficulties and was then crash landed by the pilot (played by Denzel Washington), saving most of the passengers on board. The twist was, in the subsequent investigation, it was found that the pilot was intoxicated while flying (the intoxication issue was not the cause of the crash, though). I won’t tell you how it ends, but I will say the crash scene was pretty spectacular (and made me want to not fly ever again). However, the rest of the movie was so-so.

My rating: 3/5

limpin’ lizards

A update on the dogs…Alice and Buster are doing well enough–Alice’s lip looks good and I think Buster’s prozac is finally starting to kick in. However, Lizzy has been limping more often as of late (she’s been limping off and on for a couple of weeks). If this keeps up, she’s going to need to make a trip to the vet’s office, too.

questioning my choices

We spent yesterday painting Jake’s room. He wanted the walls painted turquoise and gray so we obliged. I hope we don’t have to paint them white when we put the house up for sale in a few years. As we were painting (a chore that I don’t particularly enjoy), I started lamenting whatever choices I’ve made that have gotten me to this point. Don’t most people pay other people to do their home improvements?

Conversely, I didn’t mind spending 4+ hours making cheese today. Yes, I know you can buy cheese and Giant Eagle and it doesn’t take 4 hours to do it. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I would’ve rather made cheese yesterday than paint Jake’s bedroom.

But, I guess I need to get those thoughts out of my head as we are also painting our bedroom, the living room, the dining room and hallway in the short term.

the dogs

Alice had the growth on her lip removed today. She’s faring well enough, though is pretty groggy at the moment. I’m sure she’ll be doing much better tomorrow.

Buster is still a maniac. We’ll be upping his Prozac on Saturday, so I’m hopeful things will start to improve after that. I think he was slightly better this week than last, but I wouldn’t want every week to be like this.