Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook


We’re a little behind with our painting project. I hoped to be done last month, then I changed it to April, but all hope is lost. We painted the living room, dining room and foyer ceilings yesterday, but we still have the walls to do in those rooms and our bedroom. So, it’s not going to get done this month for sure. Maybe next? Probably not.

more, please

What a beautiful weekend filled with awesome activities. Friday night, we bottled two batches of wine. I covered yesterday in this post. As for today: this morning, I finished knitting Jake’s hat; I got in some more gardening (my hope is to get the pond opened up tomorrow, so I was cleaning leaves and whatnot from around that area); Brian got my motorcycle back in running order (and we took a spin around the block on it–his bike’s still in the shed); and I’m currently preparing to bottle a batch of limoncello. Whew!

gardening seminar

This morning, I went to a gardening seminar on backyard fruit production. Ron McIntosh (the former “Green Grower” on WJAC-TV from way back) was the instructor. The seminar, held at Sandyvale, was full of great information. This was the last one in the spring series, but they’re planning on doing some more in the fall. I’d definitely go to another one of these.

Even better, I came home and did some gardening.

knitting frenzy

Since I’m still waiting for the weather to warm up (should be happening today!), I’ve had a lot of time to knit. I finished Brian’s hat last weekend and started on a hat for Jake. Jake’s hat should be done this weekend, then I’ll have to decide on my next project (or maybe get a couple going at once).

While I haven’t gotten outside yet this spring, I did manage to get a bunch of seeds planted in the house. But, this weekend’s calling for 100% chance of gardening. I can’t wait!

american hustle

I couldn’t wait to watch this movie, but it was a bit of a disappointment. Maybe I just had too many things going on while trying to watch it (work stuff, knitting issues), but I just couldn’t get into it. Brian, on the other hand, loved it. Go figure.

My rating: 3/5