Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

work and play

We spent most of the weekend getting the yard into shape. There are still some things to do out there (there always are), but at least it’s passable at this point. We also managed to have some fun by going to the PolkaFest yesterday afternoon to catch Alex Meixner, who was completely awesome. He does polka versions of rock songs as part of his show. I hope they are able to bring him back next year.


This movie was ok, but it was rather boring. It told the story of a man who took his aging father on a trip to claim his (the father’s) “winnings” from a Publisher’s Clearing House-type sweepstakes. I guess when you put it that way, it shouldn’t be surprising that it was boring. There were a few good scenes in it, but that’s about it.

My rating: 2.5/5

memorial day

Today was spent at home with an exception of a late-morning motorcycle ride. We took Somerset Pike to 30 and then caught 711 in Ligonier and followed it home. There were a ton of bikes out today.

After lunch, I did a bit of gardening, then I lounged in the hammock and knitted (and also shut my eyes for a few minutes). After supper, there was more gardening–I got everything planted and Brian and Jake did some weeding/yard work.

Now, it’s time to relax with a gin and tonic while watching The Returned.

party on garth

We went to our first cookout/party of the season last night. It was at my brother’s house. We’re going to our second one this afternoon at my in-law’s. In between all of the partying, I’m trying to get my garden planted. I got some stuff in yesterday (Brian even helped–he was on weed and watering duty); I expect to get some more stuff in today; surely, by tomorrow, everything will be in. The weather has been great this Memorial Day weekend and that is not usually the case. But, I guess we deserved some nice weather after the crappy winter and spring.

early birthday

Yesterday, we went to my parents’ house for an early birthday celebration for me (and a timely one for my brother, whose birthday was yesterday). I got a bunch of nice presents–the newest NIN cd, some kitchen stuff and a bunch of books. Unfortunately, I just started reading a book over the weekend, so I’ll need to finish it quickly so I can get to the new ones (never mind the other stack of unread books in my library!)