Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

wtf kia?

Recently, I had the brilliant idea to bring home a bale of straw in the trunk of the car (yeah, I know, it’s not like we don’t own a truck). It made a bigger mess than I anticipated. Needless to say, I had to vacuum the trunk. While doing so, I noticed that we did not have a spare tire. At first I thought it was because we bought our vehicle used, but then I did some research and found out that Kia does not provide a spare tire as standard equipment for the Optima.

Apparently eliminating the spare tire is a new thing that car manufacturers are doing to save money and to get (very slightly) better gas mileage ratings. They are also using the excuse that today’s tires are better and that tire pressure monitoring has cut down on the number of flats people are getting. Whatever. Not one to take a chance, I ordered a spare tire last week and it is now snugly positioned in the trunk.

mr. mercedes

This is the latest book from Stephen King. It was about a home-grown terrorist who got away with one crime and the attempt to stop him before the next. There was nothing supernatural going on here–the book was straight-up crime fiction (a genre Mr. King has visited before). It was an enjoyable read.

My rating: 4/5


That’s how we partied last night. We had a number of friends (most of whom we haven’t seen in quite some time) over for some drinks and snacks. It was such a fun evening. Though I was up past my usual bedtime–I guess I’ll need a nap today. We’re definitely going to have to do this more frequently.

the fourth

Since Brian was away for our anniversary last weekend, we celebrated on Friday by going for a nice, long motorcycle ride before lunch and then we had a cookout for supper. We were hoping to squeeze a few more activities in, but Brian’s working on a home improvement project this weekend (a new ceiling for the kitchen), so there was no time for additional frivolity.

Yesterday, we went to a party at a friend’s house. Afterwards, we met up for drinks with one of Brian’s high school friends.

Nothing fun occurred today, but I do have a lot of housework to catch up on once the kitchen project is done.

six feet under

I watched this series again recently and enjoyed it even more than my first viewing 10 years ago. The first time I watched it, I found seasons 3 and 4 to be unbearably slow, but they didn’t bother me this time (and you’d think since I already knew the plot they’d be even more boring). It must have had something to do with the frequency of which I was able to watch the show the 2nd time. Perhaps things aren’t as boring if you don’t have to wait a week between episodes. I don’t know, but I do know that this is a fantastic show with an even more fantastic ending. The best series finale ever. Period. While Brenda was my favorite character through both viewings, it’s interesting to note that my favorite Fisher the first time around (Nate) was not my favorite this time (David). I will definitely watch this again in the future.