We started off the weekend by going to the Ethnic Fest for supper–you can’t beat the pierogies at St. Mary’s church! On Saturday, we hit the Log House Festival briefly in the morning. Then, we “labored” the rest of the day by painting our living room and dining room. That was tiring, but at least it’s done. On Sunday, nothing much happened. We thought about going to the fair, but it was kind of rainy and the living and dining rooms needed to be put back together, so we opted to stay in all day. This afternoon, we went on a quick motorcycle ride then I made a batch of sauce from the tomatoes from my garden. We had that for dinner and there’s a bunch left over for the freezer. I guess it’s back to the grind tomorrow.
out of the furnace
This movie took place in nearby Braddock, PA. It could have easily taken place in Johnstown from the looks of it. The main character was played by Christian Bale (and he was perfect in this role). The story was one of revenge, so it was right up my alley. Brian liked it, too.
My rating: 4/5
Edit: Sauerkraut. I forgot to mention the sauerkraut.
I took the past four Friday afternoons off in order to do some food preservation. The summer weekends always seem so busy and there’s no time during the week for more intensive tasks.
This month, I canned two types of jam and pickled hot cherry peppers; made and froze a couple of loaves of zucchini bread; froze some corn and beans; and made refrigerator pickles.
There are still some things I need to can or freeze, but with September around the corner, I should have more time on my hands.
If I had to do it again I would just take off two full Fridays at the end of the month, which is probably what I’ll do next year.
the birthdays and more
This afternoon, we had the annual birthday celebration for my Mom, Dad and Grandma. The festivities took place at my brother’s house and we split the food duties between us.
After we got home, I worked on a knitting project that I’ve been trying to finish (I should be able to wrap things up by tomorrow at the latest). I probably should have gone outside, but the weather is looking good for this week, so there’s always another day for that.
Today is the last day of summer for Jake. It’s back to school tomorrow. Not just school, but high school. Four years to go! I remember how long that seemed to take when I was in high school, but I have a sneaking suspicion that it’s going to go a lot faster for me this time around.
captain phillips
We watched this movie last night. It was quite engrossing. The movie told the real-life story of Richard Phillips, a man whose cargo ship was overtaken by Somali pirates. With the exception of a little setup at the beginning of the story, it was nonstop action until the end.
My rating: 4/5