Lizzy’s back problem has returned. She was perfectly fine when we brought her home from the kennel yesterday afternoon, but by last night, she was having some problems getting around. This happens from time to time, so I didn’t think too much of it. But, by this morning, things were significantly worse. I called the vet early this morning in order to get her a prescription for steroids, which is what they gave her the last time. By late morning, Lizzy was unable to stand using her hind legs, so I called again (the vet was still in surgery and hadn’t called me back yet). They wanted us to bring her right in. Brian took care of that. They gave her a shot of steroids there and steroid pills and muscle relaxers to take home.
mike & katie
Yesterday was my brother’s wedding. All three of us were part of the bridal party, so it was an eventful day for the Law household. The rehearsal was on Friday night and the dinner was held at the Crimson Room in Portage. The wedding was held at Ss. Peter & Paul Byzantine Catholic Church and the reception at The Royal Ballroom, both in Portage.
This was a story about two teenagers who help out a drifter, played by Matthew McConaughey, who turns out to be a fugitive. McConaughey seems to be everywhere these days. He’s also in “True Detective”, which I started watching this past week. Anyway, this movie was a good enough knitting companion.
My rating: 3/5
I promised Judy that I’d show her how to make limoncello the next time I made a batch, and this happened last night. I’ve been meaning to do this for a while now, but I realized recently that if I wanted to have it ready by Christmas, I had better get on the ball.
Limoncello is a pretty simple process, so we spent more time talking (and drinking limoncello from my last batch) than anything, but it was nice to have some help nonetheless. Jake even pitched in when it came time to zest the lemons so that process went super fast.
We’re planning to get together for steps two and three, so that will be a good excuse to hang out again a few more times this year.
the fall
The garden’s winding down and the long range forecast is showing cooler temperatures ahead. Moments ago, I ordered garlic for the garden, which will be planted mid-October. I’m afraid the summer may be over. It was a rather hectic summer with a lot of events and the weather wasn’t the greatest, so it feels like summer didn’t even happen. I only had the a/c on once. I guess I shouldn’t complain about that due to the cost of running it, but I think that goes to show how crappy the weather was.
I don’t mind fall so much and I’ve come to terms with winter, but I just love summer, so I’m sad to see it go. With it getting dark earlier, I find myself with more time on my hands, which is a good thing. So, I’ve been trying to tackle some things that I’ve been putting off and I’ve been doing a good job with that.
But, with the way time has been flying lately, I guess summer will be here again soon enough.