Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

all the pretty horses

We capped off an enjoyable Thanksgiving afternoon, which was spent at my in-law’s, with a movie. My sister-in-law and her family come in every other year for the holiday, so it was nice to see all of them and do some catching up, as we do not get to see them all that often.

Anyway, to the movie…this was an adaptation of a Cormac McCarthy novel. I haven’t read this particular book yet, so I can’t comment on the adaptation, but Brian said the book is still worth reading. The critics would agree. Overall, it wasn’t a bad movie, but it sounds like I would have been disappointed had I read the book before watching it.

My rating: 3/5

white house down

This was an entertaining action flick that told the story of a man (played by Channing Tatum) who had to save the president (played by Jamie Foxx) after the White House came under attack from a paramilitary group.

The movie ran a bit long for my tastes. I felt like they could have tightened things up, but once the action started, it was all action. This was a great movie for a lazy Saturday!

My rating: 3.5/5

orange is the new black (book)

I finally got around to watching this show over the summer and loved it. Brian happened to be reading the book at the same time I was watching the show and he really liked it, so I thought I’d give it a read.

Normally, I don’t like to watch something before I read it, but in this case, the show and book are so different, that it didn’t matter. The show takes an interesting look at the lives of the other prisoners, whereas the book really only mentions them and does not talk about their stories at all. Even the main character’s storyline is different between the two.

Of course, there is much more drama in the show than the book. On the other hand, I’m sure the book gave a more accurate depiction of life in low security prison.

My rating: 4/5

we’re the millers

This was an amusing film, with a rather ridiculous premise — a drug dealer puts together a fake family in order to to go to Mexico and smuggle a large amount of marijuana (the idea was that he would be less noticeable as a family man and thus making it easier to pass through the border).

My rating: 3/5

sick day

One-third of my office has a cold (including my husband). I felt like if I could get through this weekend without being sick, I’d be home free. However, I woke up with a sore throat this morning. So much for that idea.

I’m glad getting a cold held off until today, though. Yesterday, we made a much-needed trip to Costco. We were out of everything at the office. I try to supplement with a few Staples items when we run out of office snacks, but they cost way too much. For example, a box of peppermint patties costs $10 more at Staples. Sure, I know there are costs involved in driving to Pittsburgh, but we only go a few times a year and we buy stuff for our house, too, so I have to think we’re coming out ahead. We also went to my step-niece’s 8th birthday party last night. So, those two things pretty much took the whole day.

Of course, I have a bunch of stuff that needs to be done today (including some outside work). I guess I better knock this stuff out before I start feeling like crap.