Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook


This book was Stephen King’s take on the classic Frankenstein story. It was much more original than Dean Koontz’s take. At any rate, I really, really enjoyed the first part of the book (the part where the main character is growing up–no one does that like Stephen King), but after the main character became an adult, things got a little slow. And, I didn’t care much for the twist at the end. It was a quick read, though.

My rating: 3.5/5

busting myths

We went to IUP’s Kovalchick Complex last night to see the MythBusters Behind the Myths Tour. It was quite entertaining. While they did not exactly bust any myths, they did talk about a lot of things from the show and had a bunch of audience participation opportunities. It was a fun night and definitely worth seeing for fans of the show.


Today is Buster’s seventh birthday. Typically speaking, larger dogs are considered to be a senior once they turn seven. So, now we’re officially running an old pets home (it’s like an old folks home, but with pets). Marley is 15; Alice is 14.5; and Lizzy turns 13 next month. Perhaps it’s time to increase our monthly veterinary allowance.

long weekend

It was nice catching an extended break from work. I had a lot of things to do around the house, and was able to accomplish most of them. I also put a dent in my Christmas preparations, including wrapping up almost all of my shopping (the exceptions were a few last minute items that need to be purchased closer to the date). Unfortunately, it is time to go back to work. I could do with some more four day weekends.

child of god (movie)

It was a Cormac McCarthy kind of weekend. This was a better adaptation of the novel than the movie we watched on Thanksgiving, but was nowhere near the level of No Country for Old Men or The Road. A number of key scenes were left out, which was rather disappointing, but at least the movie came in under two hours (you know how I feel about long movies). My biggest complaint, though, was the way in which the main character spoke–I couldn’t understand a word he was saying.

My rating: 3.5/5